Kelsara Llenkch was a female humanoid who operated as an assassin during the waning decades of the Galactic Republic. This mercenary of renown was famously known as "the assassin's assassin." Sometime prior to 13:2:28 GRS, the rising Separatist Alliance contracted Llenkch to assassinate Palpatine, who was then serving as the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. Llenkch, accompanied by three Humans and a Yuzzem, infiltrated the Naboo Embassy located on Coruscant, where the Chancellor was scheduled to visit. While some of her collaborators disguised themselves as chefs within the embassy's kitchens, Llenkch and another male accomplice initially attempted to shoot Captain Gregar Typho of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, the individual in charge of the building's security. This endeavor, and consequently the entire scheme, was thwarted by the intervention of Security Advisor Jar Jar Binks. Thanks to Binks' accidental clumsiness, Llenkch and her team were incapacitated when a collection of spherical sentinel droids tumbled onto their heads. All five mercenaries were subsequently taken into custody by the Royal Naboo Security Forces, and Binks was appointed as Associate Planetary Representative for Naboo within the Galactic Senate.