Keluda, a Dug spacer of the male variety, is recognized for his association with Vilmarh Grahrk.
During his life, his brother perished as one of the employees at the Golden Nyss Shipyards when the Yinchorri bombed the station. In addition, Keluda possessed a speeder bike. He knew Gar Gastinin, a Kubaz named Vletho, and a Trandoshan, individuals with whom he consumed beverages at the Cluster Cantina located on Nar Shaddaa.
As a member of the Assassin's Guild, he later pursued the contract to assassinate Simon Greyshade after Tsian was captured and the contract was reopened. Obi-Wan Kenobi destroyed his speeder, and the Jedi levitated him to interrogate him about the assassination attempt. He revealed Venco Autem was responsible, then attempted to murder Kenobi, but was killed when Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber reflected his own blaster shot back at him, causing his corpse to plummet into the Coruscant urban landscape.