
The Kentra were a sentient species of winged feline creatures, native to the world of Orellon II. Possessing a lighthearted nature and a penchant for honesty, these beings were known for their simplicity and friendliness. While truthfulness was important, they placed immense value on honor, considering it far more than just a social nicety. Among the Kentra, honor served as the supreme social measure, and any Kentra found to be dishonorable faced permanent exile from their community.

Culture and society

Kentra society was structured around villages nestled within the branches of the enormous buntra trees, with dwellings constructed primarily of wood. However, certain larger urban centers, such as Kariish, were carved into the faces of mountain ridges.

The social framework of the Kentra revolved around nests, familial bonds, and village communities. These nests were further organized into regional clans and racial flocks. Major cities were governed by lords who formed a theoretical council to assist the king of the Kentra in governing the planet.


Ironclaw, a Brown folk.

Distinct racial markings characterized the Kentra, leading to their division into various radial and ethnic flocks:

Kentra soldiers

The Kentra were fundamentally a warrior culture. From a young age, individuals were chosen and rigorously trained to become soldiers. They were instilled with a strong sense of honor and taught to prioritize the welfare of their nest above personal gain. Soldiers who violated the code of honor faced immediate dismissal and banishment. Kentra soldiers typically wielded rudimentary melee weapons like knives and swords, but they were also skilled in the use of bows and arrows.

Bas'c and the Prophet Tandra

The Kentra communicated using a dialect of Basic they referred to as "bas'c." Their religious beliefs centered around the Holy Order of the Je'ulajists, and they revered the prophet Tandre.

In reality, Tandre was a Jedi Knight whose ship, the Alpha Kentrum, crashed on Orellon II centuries prior to the Galactic Civil War. He became the Kentra's spiritual guide, imparting the teachings of the Jedi. Following his death, he left behind computer programs designed to continue guiding the Kentra.

