Michael Tandre functioned as a Jedi Knight within the ranks of the Jedi Order, and was a male.
Serving as a Jedi Knight and also a geologist, Michael Tandre experienced a crash landing of his starship, the Alpha Kentrum, on the planet Orellon II a couple of centuries years prior to the Galactic Civil War. Tandre survived the crash and subsequently encountered the indigenous species residing on the planet, who welcomed him into their community. Taking on the role of a spiritual leader for the species, Tandre accepted his indefinite isolation and started instructing the natives in the tenets of Sword, Plow, and Spirit. He constructed a set of computer programs using salvaged components from the Alpha Kentrum's wreckage, with the intention of preserving his message in the event of his death or potential rescue. His followers, who referred to themselves as the Holy Order of the Je'ulajists – a derivative of a mispronounced "geologist" – cared for their spiritual guide throughout the remainder of his life.
Although Tandre was never rescued, the species, known as the Kentra, maintained his teachings as the foundation of their civilization. During the Galactic Civil War period, a team of Alliance operatives, in search of a possible safe world, repaired the computer systems that Tandre had established. This led them to discover his final resting place, which was the wreckage of the Alpha Kentrum. They also uncovered Michael Tandre's orange-bladed lightsaber, called the "Sword of Honor," which he bequeathed to his Kentra disciples on Orellon II.