Kiliad marble

Kiliad marble was a variety of marble found in tales and stories.


A small bantha statue, sculpted out of kiliad marble.

Back in 1.5 ABY, Vardias Tyne, who lived in Anchorhead, commissioned an artist to create a statue of a bantha using kiliad marble. He then arranged for a spacer to transport this bantha statue to Brother Chonar of the Dim-U monks. This was done as an act of atonement for his killing of a bantha that was threatening his vaporators. Upon receiving the statue, Chonar stated that the offering demonstrated a deep respect for the magnificence of banthas.

Behind the scenes

Vardias Tyne was a Non-Player Character (NPC) within the MMORPG known as Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. Players participating in a series of quests for Vardias located in Anchorhead were tasked with delivering a bantha statue to Chonar. During the quest's dialogue, Vardias Tyne mentioned that the bantha statue was crafted from a piece of kiliad marble. Even though players had the option to forgo Vardias Tyne's quests, for the purposes of this article, it is assumed that the game was completed to 100%.

