King of the droids

The espionage strategy known as the King of the droids was a favorite of Wraith Squadron.


This strategy centered around employing one or more sophisticated droids to manipulate less advanced droids—typically those used for housekeeping and maintenance. The goal was to make these simpler droids perform tasks dictated by the controller, such as providing intelligence on enemy positions or damaging enemy equipment.


Gara Petothel initially implemented this method while stationed on Warlord Zsinj's command ship, the Iron Fist. She used her R2-series astromech droid to seize control of and reprogram MSE-6 mouse droids aboard the vessel. Her aim was to deactivate the ship's hyperdrive, thus preventing Zsinj from escaping when New Republic troops engaged him.

During 44 ABY, Trey Courser, a member of the reformed Wraiths, independently conceived a comparable strategy while investigating General Stavin Thaal. Unaware of Petothel's prior use, they utilized this approach to penetrate Borsk Fey'lya Army Base located on Vandor-3. They camouflaged the droids as blaster cartridges to achieve this. To expedite the process, the Wraiths ambushed the base's patrols and seized their weaponry, posing as members of the Quad-Linked Militant Pacifists, a fictitious terrorist organization created for the operation. This necessitated new weapon requisition orders, resulting in the Wraith-modified weapons being distributed to the patrols.

