The Kira system, the focal point of the Kira Run, originally consisted of a quartet of planets. However, an unexplained event led to the annihilation of three of these celestial bodies.
Initially, the Kira system was home to four planets, named Kira I through IV. With the exception of Kira II, the planets lacked the resources necessary for development and were uninhabitable. Sometime during the era of the Galactic Republic, the first three planets met their end in a mysterious cataclysm. The resulting debris formed an unstable asteroid belt, which was subsequently named Kira Prime. The star's gravity well largely contained the asteroids, but occasionally larger ones would escape, becoming hyperspace hazards.

The Old Republic's first survey identified the planets as Kira I to IV and designated the second planet, the only habitable one, as Kira Prime. The other planets were deemed unworthy of further exploration and the system was marked for a later, more detailed survey.
Years later, a subsequent survey revealed that the system's first three planets had been obliterated by an unconfirmed cataclysm. The newly formed asteroid field was given the name Kira Prime, previously used for the second planet. Additional investigation into the cause of this destruction was considered unnecessary, and the Kira system was largely forgotten.
During the time of the Clone Wars, this system fell under the control of the Separatists.
Around 70 BBY, explorers seeking to connect the Harrin Trade Corridor and the Enarc Run discovered a reference to Kira Prime. Utilizing the planet's coordinates, the Haik Expedition successfully established the Kira Run. This relatively short route evolved into a key component of galactic trade, making the Kira system an important waypoint, despite the ongoing threat posed by the asteroids originating from the destroyed planets.
The system became part of the New Republic between 4 ABY and 9 ABY. During the Thrawn campaign, it served as a stronghold for the New Republic.