Kirk Windjammer

Kirk Windjammer was a male Human native to the planet of Vanqor. He worked as a shipper, transporting goods with his Seaskimmer anti-grav loader. After losing a droid in the ocean, he bought R2-D2 from Van P. Quist, a droid salesman, thus separating the droid from C-3PO, his counterpart.

Following his assistance to Prince Jagoda in averting a Dorande invasion of R-Duba, he was appointed as the prince's advisor.


During 15 BBY, Kirk Windjammer experienced some hardship when he proceeded to acquire R2-D2 from a shop. Windjammer lacked the necessary credits for purchasing C-3PO, which resulted in the two droids being separated. Windjammer felt regret, but his main need was for an astromech droid to operate his vessel, the Seaskimmer.

Kirk and Artoo secured new employment at the Red Asteroid Bar. While at sea, Kirk voiced his concerns regarding the substantial taxes he was obligated to pay for maritime trade. During a delivery of cargo via Gunship, Kirk realized they were transporting illicit weaponry. The pair managed to escape and arrived at Jagoda's palace.

While C-3PO served as Royal Advisor, Kirk and Artoo were found during an invasion. Soon after Artoo and Threepio vanished, Kirk was named the new Royal Advisor. Kirk's initial piece of advice was to always remember the droids. Subsequently, Jagoda consented to decreasing taxes and reducing maritime trade.

