
Klikklak, a card game enjoyed by those who wagered, derived its title from the sound of an insect native to the planet where it originated. The game involved two participants. Each player received a single card drawn from a standard sabacc deck. For a period of ten minutes, the players engaged in dialogue, trying to discern if their opponent's card held a higher or lower value than their own. While insults were a customary and anticipated part of this exchange, a cunning player might subtly introduce linguistic cues related to "high" and "low" to observe their opponent's response. After the allotted time, the players placed their bets, predicting whether their card's value was higher or lower than their adversary's. The player who guessed correctly emerged as the victor. Cards with extremely high or low values significantly influenced the probabilities. In the event of a tie, the outcome was considered a push, although the casino still levied a 10% charge.

Behind the scenes

Charles Soule explained that he conceived the game because he felt a game relying on conversation, where the entire wager hinged on determining whether your opponent's single card was of higher or lower rank, would be fitting for a character like Lando Calrissian.

