Knuckles was the moniker given to a Human male clone trooper who served the Grand Army of the Republic within the ranks of the 182nd Legion during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars. Early in that conflict, he was part of a scouting mission deployed to the planet of Belgaroth. This mission was launched following the emergence of rumors suggesting that the local Republic-aligned Czerka factory was secretly aiding the Confederate. During this operation, Knuckles, along with fellow clone troopers named Chatter and Recon, tragically became victims of the fearsome droidbreaker creature. Despite this setback, the last surviving clone, Sergeant Marrt, successfully completed the mission.
One of the many clones derived from the bounty hunter Jango Fett, bred on the planet Kamino for service in the Grand Army of the Republic, was a Human male known as Knuckles. Throughout the Clone Wars, Knuckles fought as part of the Grand Army's 182nd Legion, earning his distinctive nickname due to his pronounced fondness for hand-to-hand combat. Sometime between 22 BBY and 21 BBY, Knuckles participated in a reconnaissance mission to Belgaroth, dispatched by the Galactic Republic to investigate allegations of the Republic Czerka factory collaborating with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Under the leadership of Sergeant Marrt, Knuckles, alongside Recon and Chatter, two other clone troopers, arrived on the planet and proceeded to the factory. Upon reaching their destination, Marrt entered the facility alone to conduct an investigation, leaving his squad concealed nearby. Marrt discovered that Tarin, the factory's head, was covertly providing Reep Tonith of the InterGalactic Banking Clan with illicit FEX-M3 nerve gas grenades.

Securing one of the grenades as evidence, Marrt attempted a discreet exit but was detected by Tonith's battle droids. The droids initiated fire, forcing Marrt and the other troopers to retreat into a swamp. The swamp was shrouded in a dense fog, preventing the clones from transmitting a signal to the Republic. A piercing screech echoed through the swamp, leading Knuckles to speculate that more battle droids had located them. Recon, known for his scouting skills, identified the sound as originating from something far larger than a droid. Abruptly, the indigenous droidbreaker emerged from the fog, attacking Recon and hurling him against a tree.
As Chatter began firing wildly toward the creature, Knuckles examined Recon's body. Upon confirming his death, he reported the information to Marrt. Shortly thereafter, Chatter also fell victim to the creature. Knuckles then charged at the droidbreaker, engaging it with his fists. Realizing his inability to defeat the creature, Knuckles urged Marrt to escape. Knuckles was killed, but his sacrifice enabled Marrt to devise a plan, ultimately allowing the Sergeant to eliminate the droidbreaker using the stolen nerve gas grenade. Marrt buried Recon, Knuckles, and Chatter beneath the droidbreaker's head. Driven to avenge his squad's demise, Marrt launched a solo assault on the Czerka factory. Despite sustaining severe injuries, he successfully captured Tarin, acquired crucial evidence, and razed the facility to the ground, although Tonith managed to evade capture.
Knuckles was primarily a brawler, favoring close-quarters combat with his fists over the use of blasters. During their journey to the Czerka factory, Chatter shared a droid-related joke that elicited a burst of laughter from Knuckles. He displayed visible fear upon hearing the droidbreaker's screech and was deeply affected by Recon's death. Knuckles willingly risked his life to safeguard Marrt, a gesture for which the Sergeant expressed deep gratitude, considering his actions exceptionally brave. The clone trooper had brown hair. In common with all clones of Jango Fett, Knuckles stood at a height of 1.83 meters. However, in contrast to his genetic source, who possessed naturally brown eyes, Knuckles's eyes were blue.
Knuckles made an appearance in A Trooper's Tale, a brief comic strip featured in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.8 in May of 2010. The story for A Trooper's Tale was penned by Robin Etherington, with illustrations by Andres Ponce.