182nd Legion

The 182nd Legion functioned as a clone trooper military organization within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. This armed struggle pitted the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Back in 22 BBY, a small team from the Legion embarked on a scouting endeavor that tragically led to the demise of three soldiers: Chatter, Knuckles and Recon. Only their commanding officer, Sergeant Marrt, lived through it and saw the mission through. As the war entered its final year, the 182nd Legion found themselves stationed on the Separatist planet of Felucia in 19 BBY, with the objective of reclaiming it for the Republic. However, they soon lost contact with their superiors, leaving the responsibility to a group from the 501st Legion. The 501st was eventually replaced on Felucia, but not before they learned of the 182nd's complete destruction.


Serving within the Galactic Republic's Grand Army, the 182nd Legion was a clone trooper force during the Clone Wars. This galaxy-wide conflict arose from a significant movement toward secession, resulting in the creation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 22 BBY, whispers began circulating about a Republic-affiliated manufacturing plant run by the Czerka Corporation, allegedly providing weapons to the Confederacy in secret. As a response, Clone Sergeant Marrt and a team of soldiersChatter, Knuckles and Recon—from the 182nd were sent to Belgaroth with instructions to look into the claims of Czerka's double-dealing.

Marrt, sole survivor of a squad in the 182nd Legion

The team substantiated Czerka's betrayal when Sergeant Marrt observed Tarin, the factory's director, facilitating a shipment of FEX-M3 nerve gas grenades to Reep Tonith of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, a powerful company aligned with the Confederacy. The grenades had been outlawed by the Galactic Senate a year prior, but this did not deter Tarin from agreeing to sell them to Count Dooku, the leader of the Separatist uprising. After a B1-series battle droid detected them, the clones were forced to pull back, although Marrt did manage to secure one of the grenades as evidence of Czerka's illicit operations. After retreating to a swamp, a hostile droidbreaker attacked the four troopers which caused the deaths of Recon, Chatter and Knuckles; Marrt was the only survivor, killing the beast with his stolen FEX-M3 grenade.

Having lost his squadmates and the evidence, Marrt decided to finish the Mission to Belgaroth on his own. He went back to the factory, fought the Banking Clan's battle droids for several hours, and eventually destroyed the entire facility after getting Czerka's data records as proof of the company's dealings with the Republic's enemies. Despite being seriously wounded, he got away from Belgaroth and was taken to a Republic medical facility on Sacorria where he could personally give the evidence to High Jedi General Kit Fisto and Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano.

In 19 BBY, the Clone Wars' final year, the 182nd Legion was sent to the Separatist world of Felucia, one of several key locations in the Republic's effort to take back the Outer Rim Territories. The Legion successfully landed, but soon lost contact with the Republic. After a month of isolation and silence, reinforcements from the 501st Legion were sent to complete the 182nd's objectives. However, the 501st also faced many challenges in navigating a dangerous environment filled with hostile Acklays, flesh-eating bacteria, and other obstacles that made Felucia extremely difficult to conquer. Under the leadership of Jedi General Aayla Secura, the 501st ultimately survived their ordeal on Felucia, but they learned that the 182nd had been completely destroyed.

Behind the scenes

The 182nd Legion was initially mentioned in Star Wars: Battlefront II, a video game that came out in 2005 and served as a sequel to Star Wars: Battlefront. Sergeant Marrt and his team were first seen in A Trooper's Tale, a short comic strip that was published in 2010 as part of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.8.

