Krag, a captain among the Zorbian space pirates, sought a precious Gemwood tree during the Imperial Era. He knew the Ewoks residing in Bright Tree Village possessed such a plant, so he commanded an expedition to the Forest Moon of Endor. After attacking and seizing the Ewok Teebo, Krag and his crew managed to capture both the village's leader, Chief Chirpa, and the village's entire fighting force.
With Chirpa as a hostage, Krag and his pirates marched into Bright Tree Village without resistance. Princess [Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka](/article/kneesaa_a_jari_kintaka/legends], Chirpa's daughter, briefly engaged in negotiations, but they deteriorated when Krag made unwanted advances towards her. However, the princess had anticipated the pirates' arrival. She and the other Ewoks had prepared a complex series of traps to disable Krag and his men. Defeated by a group of Ewok women and children, Krag and his crew chose to make a swift escape.
During the Imperial Period, Krag, a Human male and a Zorbian space pirate, lived. As a captain, he commanded a small group of pirates and possessed his own starship. He also owned a bolo-sling, an axe, and a set of armor with a blue tint. Krag eventually led his crew to the forest moon of Endor, searching for a valuable Gemwood tree. According to Krag, a single ounce of this tree's wood was worth more than anything else in the galaxy. Knowing that a Gemwood tree was located in the local Ewok village, Krag made it his group's primary objective. Upon landing in Endor's forest, Krag and his men ventured into the wilderness. During their trek, a piece of fruit struck Krag's helmet. Looking up, Krag noticed two Ewoks on a tree branch and ordered his men to capture them.

As the two Ewoks scurried away, Krag's men pulled out their bolo-slings and hurled them towards the Ewoks' location. This slowed their retreat, allowing Krag to join the chase. Together, they pinned the Ewoks, Teebo and Wicket Wystri Warrick, to the branch before Krag ordered his subordinates to bring them down.
To Krag's dismay, Teebo managed to free Warrick, who began to flee. However, another Zorbian bolo-sling struck Warrick, knocking him from the tree. Krag's men were unable to find him afterward, but the captain was unconcerned. Teebo was brought down, defiantly scorning Krag's efforts. Nevertheless, Krag had formulated a plan to facilitate the theft of the Gemwood tree. He instructed his men to tie Teebo between two stakes near his ship and to set up a large rocket-propelled net nearby.
As Krag anticipated, a large group of Ewok warriors from Bright Tree Village, led by Chief Chirpa, came to rescue Teebo. As they freed their friend, Krag's men activated the net, capturing all the warriors at once. Pleased, Krag noticed that the warriors had inadvertently created a path leading directly back to the village. Krag decided to take Chirpa and a few select captives as hostages, while the rest remained tied up near the ship. The captain and his men successfully located the village and, upon entering, displayed Chirpa and his warriors. The village appeared deserted, but Krag knew better. He loudly issued an ultimatum: if the Ewoks did not reveal themselves, he would execute his hostages. This prompted the swift appearance of Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Chirpa's daughter.
The princess begged for mercy and ordered all the Ewoks, including women and children, to come out of hiding. Pleased, Krag began making advances towards Chirpa's daughter, demanding the location of the Gemwood tree. Pressing his advantage, he began stroking her chin, only to be bitten sharply on the finger by the young princess. Krag howled in pain as Kintaka mounted her bordok and rallied her people. Enraged, the captain promised a thousand Novian rubies to whoever could capture the princess. However, the pirates were quickly defeated or subdued by a series of traps set by Kintaka and the other Ewoks, leaving only Krag standing.

The princess moved to free her father, but Krag, drawing his axe, advanced on her. In response, she whistled. Initially, Krag was puzzled, as none of her allies were nearby. However, he soon understood when the bordok charged into him, knocking him off his feet.
The princess mounted the bordok and quickly rode away, but Krag refused to give up. Using his bolo-sling, he incapacitated the bordok, throwing the princess from her mount. She fled towards the village's supply hut, with Krag in pursuit, axe in hand. Soon, the princess was cornered. But before Krag could strike, the Ewok Latara, who was on the hut's roof, poured an entire vat of honey onto Krag, immobilizing him. The captain and his men retreated hastily, defeated and empty-handed.
Captain Krag was a bloodthirsty individual, eager to fight the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village. He had no reservations about harming children, as demonstrated by his repeated attempts to kill Kintaka during the incursion. He was level-headed enough to anticipate his enemies' actions, allowing his trap to significantly weaken the village's fighting force. Krag considered his less intelligent men to be fools, constantly barking orders at them. He had black hair and fair skin.
Captain Krag appeared in Ewoks 2, written by David Manak and illustrated by Warren Kremer. Marvel Comics published the issue on April 2, 1985.