During the Galactic Civil War, on the planet of Kashyyyk, a Wookiee male named Krepauk held the esteemed position of Huntmaster along the Rryatt Trail. Krepauk's role as Huntmaster involved assessing the hunting abilities of those who traversed the trail, a task he accomplished by assigning them diverse and challenging hunts. Not long after the pivotal Battle of Yavin, Krepauk encountered a spacer eager to prove their skills on the trail. Consequently, Krepauk set forth a series of increasingly difficult hunts for the spacer, which included the killing of sixteen wallugas, the elimination of the Dark Jedi known as Urootar, the slaying of twenty-four feral Wookiees, the hunting of twenty-four minstyngar, and the pursuit of a katarn. The spacer successfully completed all of Krepauk's assigned hunts. As a reward for this achievement, the Wookiee Huntmaster bestowed upon the traveler a substantial sum of credits, a pair of hunting beasts for mounts, and the knuckles of the katarn transformed into a lethal weapon.
Krepauk, a male Wookiee, served as the Huntmaster of the Rryatt Trail—a prominent hunting route situated near the city of Rwookrrorro on the planet Kashyyyk—during the era of the Galactic Civil War. His duties as Huntmaster involved evaluating the hunting prowess and integrity of any traveler who sought him out, presenting them with a range of hunting challenges. Many of the hunts Krepauk offered, which targeted Kashyyyk's native wildlife, were fraught with peril; not every participant survived the Huntmaster's quests, and many others were overwhelmed, descending into madness and becoming feral.
Some time following the Battle of Yavin, a spacer encountered Krepauk while journeying through the Rryatt Trail. Krepauk greeted the spacer, informing them of his role and the various hunts available on the trail, before inquiring whether the traveler wished to partake in one of his trials. The spacer accepted Krepauk's proposition and was soon tasked with hunting down sixteen walluga skullsmashers, formidable and powerful creatures indigenous to Kashyyyk.
After departing and swiftly returning, the spacer had accomplished the task. Krepauk commended the spacer on completing the initial challenge, rewarding them with 5,000 credits. Subsequently, Krepauk assigned the spacer the task of locating and killing the Dark Jedi Urootar. Krepauk explained that Urootar, a former Jedi who had survived the Great Jedi Purge, had succumbed to madness over the years and now posed a threat to those traversing the trails. Before the spacer departed, the Huntmaster cautioned that Urootar still possessed some knowledge of the Force and would prove to be a more challenging adversary than the previous target. Following the spacer's successful defeat of Urootar, Krepauk, impressed by their abilities, rewarded them with an additional 7,500 credits. The Huntmaster then presented the traveler with an even more dangerous assignment: hunting down and eliminating twenty-four feral Wookiees. Krepauk, saddened by the Wookiees' plight, desired the spacer to end their suffering and madness through their demise.
The spacer eliminated the Wookiees and returned to Krepauk. Krepauk expressed his gratitude to the spacer for killing the feral Wookiees, considering it a painful but necessary act, and awarded the traveler another 10,000 credits. Krepauk then tasked the spacer with slaying twenty-four deadly simian predators known as minstyngar—a hunt more perilous than the previous three. The spacer eliminated the minstyngar, and Krepauk, now recognizing the spacer as a truly masterful hunter, bestowed upon them a reward of 15,000 credits and a hunting mount fashioned from a minstnygar's head. Krepauk also assigned the spacer one final hunt, tasking them with killing a katarn, one of the most savage and lethal predators on Kashyyyk. Given the extreme danger of this task, Krepauk warned that it would require the spacer's utmost skill and ability to defeat a katarn, suggesting that the spacer might need companions to aid in the beast's demise.
After a difficult battle, the spacer managed to slay the katarn, and the Huntmaster congratulated them, proclaiming them to be one of the greatest hunters on all of Kashyyyk. To honor the completion of all the hunts, Krepauk presented the traveler with 25,000 credits, a hunting mount made from the katarn's head, and the knuckles of the katarn crafted into a powerful blade.
Krepauk held the Rryatt trail hunts in high regard, viewing them as a vital aspect of Wookiee culture. He also offered guidance to the spacer who accepted his challenges, cautioning them about the dangers involved and providing information on the likely location of their prey. Furthermore, Krepauk was deeply saddened when he requested the spacer to kill the twenty-four feral Wookiees, recognizing that they had become a threat to the trail and that their demise was necessary to alleviate their suffering. Krepauk was covered in brown hair, possessed black eyes, and communicated in the Shyriiwook language.
Krepauk's sole appearance in canon occurred in the 2005 Star Wars Galaxies expansion pack Rage of the Wookiees, where the Huntmaster offered a series of quests, known as the "Rryatt Trail Trials," for players to undertake. While players could opt out of the "Rryatt Trail Trial" quests, this article assumes that the game was completed in its entirety. Star Wars Galaxies ceased operations on December 15, 2011.