Rryatt Trail

The Rryatt Trail was a lengthy, meandering path. Ultimately, it guided those who journeyed along it to the dim, shadowy terrain of Kashyyyk. Originating from Rwookrrorro, it wound its way down to the Well of the Dead, situated within the Shadowlands. This trail served as a habitat for numerous, notably fierce creatures native to the Wookiee homeworld. These included jaddyyk moss, needlebugs, rkkrrkkrl, kkekkrrg rro, moufs, katarn, rroshm, and terentateks, alongside various other dangerous beasts. Both Wookiees and off-world adventurers would challenge themselves on the Trail's more hazardous lower sections. Hunting the creatures found deep within the Trail was a component of the Wookiee Hrrtayyk ceremony, which represented a rite of passage for young Wookiees.

The Rryatt Ceremonial Guard stood watch over the entrance to the Rryatt Trail. To assist adventurers in navigation, Wookiee guides were stationed along the paths of the Trail. Achonnko held the title of Master Trail Guide for the Rryatt Trail in 1 ABY. He had thoroughly explored and mastered the Trail, possessing intimate knowledge of its intricacies.


The very beginning of the Rryatt Trail, known as the Common Paths.

Galactic Civil War (1 ABY)

During the Galactic Civil War in 1 ABY, the Trail saw a variety of events, some more significant than others. On the initial level, the Common Paths, the Master Trail Guide Achonnko gave a spacer the task of fully exploring the Trail. In that same year, a Wookiee named Krepauk resided on this level. Holding the position of Huntmaster of the Rryatt Trail, he set trials of strength for those desiring to prove their mettle in the Trail's wilderness. His ultimate challenge frequently involved slaying a formidable katarn within the Shadowlands and bringing back its claws. Successful individuals were rewarded with a powerful weapon crafted from those claws. A Human hunter, Carl Mosik, who was secretly a member of the Wookiee slave resistance, along with his Wookiee companion, Zhailaut, were initially responsible for hiring the spacers who eventually brought about the demise of Lord Cyssc Blackscale. Concealed from the watchful eyes of the Empire, a Rebel commando unit had established a small base in this area.

The second level, known as the High Grounds, was the home of the deranged former Jedi, Urootar, whose death Krepauk desired for the safety of the Trail. It also housed a secret camp for escaped Wookiee slaves. A small band of Rodian hunters from the Etyyy hunting grounds, led by a male Rodian named Tressk, had also established a camp on this level, hunting the diverse creatures that lived there.

On the third level, the Wroshyr Canopy, a group of poachers had started hunting the local wildlife. Tressk, the Rodian leader from the High Grounds, tasked a spacer with eliminating these poachers. A former group of Rodian hunters from the group on the High Grounds level were also seen on this level. They had become lost and driven insane by some unknown cause. Tressk hired a spacer to kill these "embarrassments".

The fourth level, the Webweaver Path, contained a camp of feral Wookiees, who aggressively attacked anyone who approached their camp. During a test of strength, Krepauk tasked a spacer with delivering the feral Wookiees to their "final rest". A Blackscale Clan slaver camp was also located here. A female Wookiee named Kymayrr residing in Kachirho dispatched a spacer to this camp with the mission of rescuing her son, Rroot.

A view of a bridge connecting two Wroshyr tree peaks along the High Grounds.

The final level, the Shadowlands, was inhabited by a group of Gotal hunters who had taken up residence in the Shadowlands, adapting easily to the dark, damp environment. A significant presence of B1-series battle droids, B2 super battle droids, and droidekas was also noted, having been abandoned on the planet following the conclusion of the Battle of Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars. A Wookiee named Lobarorr concealed himself in the Shadowlands, living in disgrace after murdering his friend out of jealousy over his father's weapon. Krepauk, the Huntermaster of the Trail, sent a spacer during a test of strength, instructing them to kill both a minstyngar named Scratch and a katarn within the Shadowlands.

Black Fleet Crisis (16 ABY)

During the Black Fleet Crisis in 16 ABY, Chewbacca aided his son Lumpawarrump in his right of passage on the final level of the Trail, the Shadowlands, with the intention of killing a katarn. However, Chewbacca received word that Han Solo had been captured by the Yevetha before they could locate one, and he had to cease the hunt. Lumpawarrump went with his father, and because of his efforts in helping to free Solo, Chewbacca declared that his son had symbolically faced the katarn, pronouncing him an adult, and renaming him Lumpawaroo.


The Rryatt Trail was organized into five distinct levels, each featuring trail guides to assist travelers in navigating the extensive Trail. The second, third, and fourth levels had two guides each, positioned at opposite ends of the level, to help travelers either ascend or descend a level. The fifth level had only one guide, who only assisted travelers in going back up, as it was the Trail's end. The first level, the Common Paths, had one guide at its end, but also featured a Master Trail Guide near the beginning, who could direct travelers to any level of the Trail.

A path and Wookiee statue along the Wroshyr Canopy level.

The Common Paths

The Common Paths constituted the Trail's first level, and were comparatively the safest area. The paths on this level were situated atop a series of hills rising above the canopy of Kashyyyk's Wroshyr trees. This level of the Trail was inhabited by various walluga and bolotaur. Travelers were generally advised to remain on the Common Paths. At the beginning of this level was a small rest area, complete with a medical bay and a 2-1B surgical droid, for those travelers unlucky enough to be hurt in their explorations along the trail. This rest area also served as the location where the Master Trail Guide, Achonnko, assisted travelers in descending to the other levels of the Trail. However, Achonnko would only assist travelers in descending to levels they had previously visited.

High Grounds

The High Grounds, the Trail's second level, were characterized by dense vegetation. Similar to the Common Paths, the paths on this level were located along various hills. However, it extended far enough into the forest that you could only see the tops of the trees. Furthermore, many of its final paths were supported on the very peaks of the trees. This level was known to be inhabited by a variety of moufs and bolotaur.

A portion of the interconnecting lower branches that make up the Webweaver Path.

Wroshyr Canopy

The third level was the Wroshyr Canopy, which, as its name suggests, was the canopy of the Wroshyr trees. This entire section was composed of the intertwined branches of several of the immense trees. It was home to a variety of minstyngar, sathog, jyykle vulture, and fern bicker.

Webweaver Path

The fourth level, the Webweaver Path, derived its name from the abundance of wyyyschokk, commonly known as webweavers. The level comprised an extensive trail of interconnected branches of the wroshyr trees, further linked by a series of low-lying hills. During the Galactic Civil War, a group of feral Wookiees had established a primitive camp on a high-rising rock formation accessible via the giant branches of the wroshyr trees. The Trandoshan Blackscale Clan also built a camp in this region.

The Shadowlands, the dark surface of Kashyyyk.

The Shadowlands

The Shadowlands (sometimes referred to as the Shadow Forest) represented the Trail's fifth and final level. The Shadowlands were the surface, or ground level of Kashyyyk, entirely shielded from direct sunlight by the massive wroshyr trees overhead. This level was inhabited by some of Kashyyyk's most dangerous creatures, including jaddyyk moss, needlebugs, minstyngar, kkekkrrg rro, rroshm, katarn, and terentatek. Many rites of passage for young Wookiee adults were conducted here, as were tests of skill for off-worlders, given its status as the most inhospitable region on Kashyyyk.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of the Rryatt Trail for Star Wars Galaxies: Rage of the Wookiees.

The Rryatt Trail is a zone with the aforementioned five distinct levels in Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. The Trail, along with the remainder of the planet Kashyyyk, was incorporated into the game via the expansion pack Rage of the Wookiees, released on May 5th, 2005. Within the game, it features a wide range of enemies and quests for players to undertake, many offering unique rewards never before seen within the game, such as an unarmed weapon crafted from the claws of a katarn, or a Kashyyyk bantha creature mount. Like several areas in the expansion, it is divided into six separate instanced areas, while a limited number of players may access and play together in each instance. Due to Star Wars Galaxies' open-ended nature, there is no strict timeline of the events that took place on the Trail in 1 ABY.

The Shadowlands, the Rryatt Trail's final level, also made an appearance in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. However, given that the Shadowlands encompass nearly all of Kashyyyk's surface, it remains uncertain whether it is the same section featured at the end of the Rryatt Trail.

