The Kroctari species originated from the world of Kroctar, which functioned as the primary trading hub within the Shataum sector. Although the Kroctari possessed the ability to communicate in Basic, their language, characterized by nasal tones, was quite foreign to Human listeners, due to the inclusion of wheezing and burping sounds.
Even after successfully repelling Grand Admiral Thrawn's assault in 9 ABY, the Kroctari were among a number of species within the New Republic that requested membership in the Imperial Remnant during the Caamas Document Crisis that occurred in 19 ABY. This decision was spearheaded by their leader, Lord Superior Bosmihi of the Unified Factions, who cited the New Republic's apparent failure to provide adequate defense against potentially aggressive neighboring factions. This decision occurred despite the Kroctari having a reasonably strong defense force for a planetary government, and their location being well within New Republic space.
Whether the Kroctari maintained their affiliation with the Imperial Remnant following the exposure of the Thrawn impersonator Flim at the Battle of Yaga Minor and the later signing of the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic remains unknown.