
Kutuab held sway over a modest dominion centered around Meirm City on the planet Sriluur, though he was ultimately subservient to Jabba the Hutt. Located hundreds of kilometers from the city, deep within the desert, was his fortified bunker which served as his headquarters. He profited by supplying weapons to both the Weequay and Houk factions within the city, exacerbating their conflicts to increase his sales. Limna Yith proposed providing Kutuab with intel regarding Black Sun activities along the Sisar Run, however, Kutuab declined to meet her price, wishing to avoid antagonizing Sprax, of whom he was afraid. Yith made her escape from Kutuab's sail yacht, utilizing her own cargo skiff to traverse the desolate landscape of Sriluur. Kutuab menaced Yith with the prospect of being thrown into Temptation Canyon as food for the bandigos. He placed a bounty on her, offering 10,000 credits for her capture (dead), and 20,000 for her datapad.

