Lakwurn, a male Chiss belonging to the esteemed Xodlak family, held the rank of Lieutenant Commander within the ranks of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. His duties were carried out aboard the Grayshrike, a heavy cruiser under the command of Senior Captain Lakinda, where he served as a technician specializing in hyperdrive systems.
While the Grayshrike underwent repairs and rearmament on Csilla, Lakwurn was the recipient of a package originating from the Expansionary Defense Fleet's headquarters. The package contained instructions for its delivery to Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn), who commanded the Chiss warship Springhawk. The Grayshrike was scheduled to meet the Springhawk for a mission to hunt pirate vessels. Simultaneously, Lakwurn received an urgent family emergency summons from Xodlak Patriel Xodlak'oo'nifis (Lakooni), instructing him to immediately leave the Grayshrike and travel to the Chiss planet of Celwis. Subsequently, Lakwurn contacted the Grayshrike's commanding officer, Senior Captain Xodlak'in'daro (Lakinda), to request a meeting. Within the Grayshrike's secondary hyperdrive chamber, Lakwurn briefed Lakinda on both his delivery assignment and the Xodlak summons. He requested that she personally deliver the package, which was discovered to contain a metal brooch, to Thrawn. However, Lakinda, now informed of the Xodlak summons, instead delegated the delivery task to her first officer, Mid Captain Csap'ro'strob (Apros). Shortly thereafter, Lakwurn and Lakinda departed the Grayshrike, bound for Celwis.