Lan Barell was a planetary body of astronomical interest, existing within a terrestrial environment, that served as the habitation for a Qieg hive during the period known as the High Republic Era. During the year 382 BBY, Gella Nattai, a Jedi Knight, journeyed to the Rook's cemetery in the capital city located on the planet E'ronoh, which itself was situated in the Outer Rim; while there, she made a mental comparison between the towering structures and a Qieg hive found on Lan Barell.
The initial mention of Lan Barell within the current Star Wars canon occurred in Convergence, a novel from 2022 penned by [Zoraida Córdova](/article/zoraida c%c3%b3rdova). This novel was a contribution to Phase II of the expansive Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the planet named Lan Barell made its debut in a source article titled "Lan Barell," which was featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal 1, a magazine from West End Games dedicated to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Paul Sudlow authored the article, Tim Eldred provided the illustrations, and its release took place in February of 1994.