Lando's Commandos

Lando's Commandos, an exceptional squad, was brought together by Lando Calrissian in 3 ABY while he was situated on Cloud City. They were later re-established with the purpose of rescuing a number of New Republic starships that had been seized by the TIE Pirates.


In 3 ABY, Lando Calrissian, who held the title of Baron Administrator of Cloud City, founded an elite squad known as Lando's Commandos. This group's efforts to defend Cloud City against the Imperial occupation were ultimately unsuccessful.

Later, in 4 ABY, the Commandos were brought back together, consisting of a diverse collection of spacers, bounty hunters, smugglers, and Von Asch, a former Imperial officer. With guidance from [Kine](/article/kine_(pirate), another former Imperial captain, Calrissian and his team assaulted the TIE Pirates' base, eventually achieving victory over them.

The unit also played a role in the liberation of Bespin not long after the Battle of Endor. It is known that the unit utilized a cloaked stealth fighter, which was stored in a museum located on Dantooine.

Behind the scenes

The comic Lando's Commandos: On Eagles' Wings, released in 2000, marked the first appearance of Lando's Commandos. They also made an appearance in the 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds as part of the Darth Vader campaign. This campaign was later included in the 2002 expansion pack for the game, titled Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns. The events of Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds featuring the Commandos occur before their formation in the comic. This article operates under the assumption that the group was later re-established.

