Lannik Racto, a crime lord operating out of Coruscant, was affiliated with the Disciples of Ragnos. In his office, he kept a bust of Marka Ragnos, alongside various Force-sensitive items like artusian crystals, a preserved ysalamir, and statues of vornskr. He maintained a security force consisting of a small group of mercenaries and, potentially provided by the cult, some Sith Cultists.
Racto's involvement in supplying the Imperial Remnant and the Disciples of Ragnos with illicit war droids via the Invisible Market drew the New Republic's attention, prompting them to task the Jedi with an investigation. Jaden Korr, a Jedi apprentice, located and apprehended him on Coruscant, Korr's home planet. After several intense lightsaber battles, Korr overcame Racto's mercenaries, assassin droids, and the Dark Jedi working for him.
After Korr battled and defeated Racto's security, the crime boss admitted to his involvement with assassin droids just before his capture. He then revealed to New Republic officials the whereabouts of his droid factory situated on Nar Shaddaa. NRI operatives successfully closed down the operation within a matter of days.