Lant Mining Corporation (LMC) produced the Mobile Mining Barge I. As the Republic's chartered entity for resource development, it held a position of significant economic power within the Brak sector. However, the depletion of mines in Brak sector led to a period of decline for LMC during the Galactic Civil War. The corporation's central operations were based in the Demar system.
During the Galactic Civil War, Lant Mining Corporation's operations were structured into six distinct departments: Mining, Refining, Resource Discovery, Research and Design, Sales, and Security Patrol. Each of these departments was managed by an Executive, all of whom reported directly to the Chief Executive, who oversaw the entire organization.
LMC maintained contractual agreements with several prominent corporations, such as Sienar Fleet Systems, Incom Corporation, Kuat Drive Yards, Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc., and Ikas-Adno. The Hauler 10 served as one of the company's ore transport vehicles.