Lazerian VII

Lazerian VII, a gas giant possessing a retinue of ten moons, held the position of seventh planet in the Lazerian system. This celestial body orbited the yellow star called Lazerian, and was situated in the Kira sector of the Trailing Sectors, a region within the expansive Expansion Region. Its location intersected the trade routes known as the Harrin Trade Corridor and the Kira Run. Long ago, the Lazerians residing on Lazerian IV, another planet in the same system, conducted a survey of Lazerian VII.

Behind the scenes

John Terra conceived Lazerian VII, introducing it in Twin Stars of Kira, a 1993 sourcebook augmenting Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. The 2009 publication The Essential Atlas specified the Lazerian system's location as grid square N-15, thereby establishing Lazerian VII's coordinates.


Notes and references
