The Leaft named Dug was part of the team serving on the No Luck Required, a rescue vessel helmed by Uldir Lochett throughout the Yuuzhan Vong War. Due to his kind's inherent quickness and reflexes, he frequently operated the vessel's armaments when combat became unavoidable.
It was thought that he perished while rescuing the Jedi Bey Gandan from a Yuuzhan Vong prison vessel. As the damaged transport risked being pulled into a black hole, he entered a coralskipper and exploited the connection between the fighter's cognition hood and the larger vessel to guide it to safety, seemingly sacrificing himself.
However, Tsaa Qalu had actually captured him and taken him aboard the Throat Slasher as a captive. Despite suffering from a fractured arm, the Dug managed to break free from his confinement and flee on one of the Throat Slasher's coralskippers. Having gained some familiarity with Yuuzhan Vong control mechanisms, he leveraged the link between the coralskipper and its main vessel to crash the Throat Slasher into a mountain on Thyferra. Following this, he reunited with the No Luck Required crew.