LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, a video game developed around the Star Wars toy line from the LEGO Group, was launched on September 11, 2006 by LucasArts. It serves as the follow-up to the acclaimed LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game. Its release coincided with the DVD debut of the original trilogy's unaltered films. This title can be played on Xbox, Xbox 360 (with backwards compatibility on Xbox One and Xbox Series X), Wikipedia:PlayStation 2, GameCube, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, and PC. Feral Interactive released the Mac version on May 4, 2007.
Unlike its predecessor, which was only on the Game Boy Advance, the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance versions are designed for portable gaming.

LEGO Star Wars II takes a more humorous approach, featuring slapstick comedy, whereas the original Star Wars films, apart from some jokes later on, were generally serious. It encompasses the initial three episodes (IV, V, and VI), differing from LEGO Star Wars, which focused on episodes I, II, and III.
Traveller's Tales, the developer of the original game, also developed this title. LucasArts handled the publishing, succeeding Eidos Interactive from the first game. The game boasts a roster of 114 playable characters, with 46 unlockable by having a LEGO Star Wars save file on the storage device, and the rest obtainable via purchase in the Mos Eisley Cantina or through gameplay. New elements include vehicles, unique character abilities, and character customization. The game holds the Guinness World Record for the most playable characters in an action-adventure game. A key aspect of the gameplay involves collecting "studs," which serve as the in-game currency. Certain characters can perform special actions like striking enemies or interacting with allies.
Some levels require piloting a ship. Acquiring all canisters in the game unlocks Slave I.

The Mos Eisley cantina, a Tatooine spaceport bar, serves as the game's hub. Players can use Lego studs at the counter to buy characters, vehicles, hints, and extras, or to enter cheat codes. An area outside the cantina displays collected vehicles. The game features levels accessed from the cantina, with each film represented by six levels based on key scenes and locations, including Hoth, Bespin, Dagobah, Tatooine, the Death Star, and Endor. Bonus levels are also included. Players defeat enemies, construct objects from Lego bricks, and operate vehicles within these levels. Some levels involve piloting vehicles, like a TIE fighter, Snowspeeder, or the Millennium Falcon. Levels must initially be completed in Story Mode to unlock the next level and Free Play mode for the completed level. Gameplay remains consistent across both modes, but Story Mode limits character selection to those featured in the film scenes, while Free Play allows access to all unlocked characters. Levels can be revisited in either mode to gather studs and uncover secrets.
Three categories of secret items exist: gold bricks, minikits, and power bricks. Each level contains one hidden power brick, unlocking its corresponding extra upon collection, such as invincibility or stud multipliers. Ten hidden minikits, representing parts of a Star Wars vehicle, are also in each level. Collecting all ten awards the player a gold brick. Accumulating a certain number of gold bricks unlocks rewards like a stud-spewing spigot. Gold bricks are also given for completing levels and reaching a set stud count within a level, with ninety-nine available in total. Completed vehicles, represented by the minikits, are displayed outside the cantina and become playable in a bonus level once all ten minikits are collected.
- Playable Characters: Princess Leia , Captain Antilles , C-3PO , R2-D2 , Rebel Friend
- Planet: Tatooine
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) , Ben Kenobi , C-3PO , R2-D2
- Planet: Tatooine
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) , Ben Kenobi , C-3PO , R2-D2 , Han Solo , Chewbacca
- Planet: Tatooine
- Boss: Imperial Spy
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper) , Ben Kenobi , Han Solo (Stormtrooper) , Chewbacca , C-3PO , R2-D2
- Planet: None
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) , Princess Leia , Han Solo , Chewbacca , C-3PO , R2-D2
- Planet: None
- Vehicles: Snowspeeder
- Planet: Hoth
- Playable Characters: Han Solo (Hoth) , Princess Leia (Hoth) , C-3PO , Chewbacca
- Planet: Hoth
- Vehicles: Millennium Falcon , X-Wing
- Planet: None
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Pilot), Luke Skywalker (Dagobah) , R2-D2 , Yoda
- Planet: Dagobah
- Boss: Darth Vader
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Bespin) , R2-D2
- Planet: Bespin
- Boss: Darth Vader
- Playable Characters: Lando Calrissian , Princess Leia (Bespin) , Chewbacca , R2-D2 , C-3PO
- Planet: Bespin
- Boss: Boba Fett
- Playable Characters: Princess Leia (Boushh) , Chewbacca , Luke Skywalker (Jedi) , R2-D2 , C-3PO , Han Solo (Skiff)
- Planet: Tatooine
- Boss: Rancor
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Jedi) , Lando (Palace Guard) , Han Solo (Skiff) , Chewbacca , R2-D2 , C-3PO , Princess Leia (Slave)
- Planet: Tatooine
- Boss: Boba Fett
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Endor) , Princess Leia (Endor)
- Planet: Endor
- Playable Characters: Han Solo (Endor) , Princess Leia (Endor) , Chewbacca , R2-D2 , C-3PO , Wicket
- Planet: Endor
- Playable Characters: Luke Skywalker (Jedi) , Darth Vader
- Planet: Endor
- Boss: The Emperor
- Vehicles: Millennium Falcon , X-Wing
- Planet: Endor
- Leia and Antilles are depicted chasing Darth Vader in the game.
- During the Stormtrooper assault on the Tantive IV, the rebels are only knocked down, not killed.
- R2-D2 doesn't show fear in the game while wandering through the canyon, unlike the film where he whimpers.
- In contrast to the film where R2-D2 is reactivated in the sandcrawler's droid bay and happily reunited with C-3PO, the game shows R2 being deposited next to a pouting 3PO.
- Only Luke is involved in purchasing R2 and C-3PO in the game, whereas both Luke and Owen Lars participate in the film, including a scene with a malfunctioning R5 unit. Owen and Beru are absent in the game.
- Instead of R2-D2 running away from the Lars homestead, as in the film, he and 3PO are stolen by Jawas in the game, prompting Luke to retrieve them alone.
- The game depicts Luke being attacked by a single Sand Person and then teaming up with Ben to find R2 and 3PO, with Tusken Raiders joining forces with Sandtroopers. This contrasts with the film where Luke encounters the Tusken Raiders after finding R2 and is rescued by Ben.
- Luke and Ben infiltrate the Sandcrawler to rescue the droids.
- The game requires Luke and co. to fight through Imperials and other characters to reach Chalmun's, even constructing and using an AT-ST, unlike the film where they arrive without incident.
- Before entering the Cantina, the player must disable security cameras that prevent R2 and 3PO from entering.
- Instead of simply following Luke and Obi-Wan, as in the film, Garindan stops them, Chewbacca, and Han in the game, leading to them shooting at him.

- Han and Luke only use their stormtrooper helmets to bypass security panels, not during their travels throughout the Death Star.
- Ben leaves after the group reaches the location room in the game, with 3PO and R2 hiding immediately. This differs from the film where Ben leaves shortly after their arrival, and 3PO and R2 hide later.
- A door leads to a spa with beach troopers, who remain indifferent to Luke, Han, and Chewie as long as they wear their stormtrooper helmets and avoid hostile actions.
- Luke enjoys the garbage chute ride, while Han does not.
- Two Stormtrooper helmets can be spotted in the trash compactor, but one disappears after the LEGO refrigerator containing the Mini Kit is placed.
- Garven Dreis and Jon Vander are omitted
- Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles are omitted.
- Players must fire torpedoes at generators to lower laser gates during the Battle of Yavin.
- The game portrays Han and Luke receiving their reward with more excitement and Leia in regular clothes, while Garindan is found impersonating a Rebel Pilot and is arrested. This contrasts with the film's calmer scene with Leia dressed up.
- Luke amputates the wampa's left arm in the game, but in the film, he cuts off the right arm.

- Vader's flagship is depicted as a regular Imperial class Star Destroyer in the game, not an Executor-class Star Dreadnought as in the movie. The Executor is absent from the game.
- AT-ATs get back up if left for too long after being pulled down by a tow cable.
- AT-ATs cannot be destroyed by shooting blaster fire at its weak point at its neck, instead, the player must use the snowspeeder's tow cable to drag an oversized thermal detonator to the AT-AT.
- In the film, an AT-AT's legs were tethered and subsequently tripped before Luke was shot down. As a result, he struggled to escape from his fighter before it was crushed by an AT-AT. In the game, none of the Imperial Walkers had yet been tripped when Luke was shot down. Luke also easily escaped from his fighter.
- The Millennium Falcon attaches to a Star Destroyer and escapes in its trash in the game, but the sequence of hiding in an asteroid is not necessarily followed.
- Luke is still in his rebel uniform when he crashes on Dagobah, before meeting Yoda.
- Yoda reveals his identity as a Jedi Master immediately in the game, unlike the film where it's revealed after bringing Luke to his home.
- Yoda's house is equipped with a plasma-screen TV.
- Numerous vehicles are present around Yoda's house.
- Bats constantly damage Luke, despite not appearing in the film.
- Both Luke and Yoda enter the Dark Side cave and fight Vader in the game, whereas only Luke does in the film.
- Luke Skywalker enters Cloud City to fight Darth Vader before the Millennium Falcon did so.
- Darth Vader is sucked out a window in the game, but in the film it's Luke.
- R2-D2 accompanies Luke during his battle with Vader in the game, instead of being shut outside.
- Luke fights Stormtroopers while battling Vader.
- At the the end of the Darth Vader Boss Fight, Vader takes out a photo showing A picture of Anakin Skywalker And Padmé Amidala from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith to tell Luke he is his father.
- Han fires only one shot at Vader in the game before throwing down his gun, while in the film, he fires four shots.
- Han jumps into the carbon freezing chamber platform in the game, wearing his Hoth clothes, while in the film, he is pushed onto the platform and wears his skiff clothes.
- Lando runs out of blaster ammo and kills one of the stormtroopers with a missile launcher, leaving the others stunned and hesitant to fight back, allowing time for Lando to get aboard and the Falcon to escape.
- Leia cries for Han, while 3PO and R2 watch the fitting of Luke's new prosthetic hand. 3PO pulls off his own hand and shrugs in confusion.
- Lando lowers his chair before taking control of the Millennium Falcon , to the point where only the top of his head is visible over the console, much to Chewbacca's bewilderment. Lando isn't dressed like Han either, he just has his own clothes on.
- Luke's hand malfunctions and bounces around the room as he comforts Leia, referencing Thing from The Addams Family .
- The Rebel fleet assembles around a planet in the game.

- In the movie, Leia is still in disguise when Han emerges from the carbonite. Conversely, in the game, Leia removes the mask as Han is being unfrozen.
- In the movie, Luke attempts to surprise Jabba by telekinetically grabbing a blaster and firing it. However, in the game, Luke and company are captured. As Leia is taken to Jabba, Luke tries to use the Force to summon a blaster but instead gets a coffee mug, leading to the battle with the rancor with his comrades.
- Luke is alone in the rancor pit in the film version. Yet, in the game, Han, Chewie, R2, and 3PO also participate in the fight.
- Boba Fett's "demise" is dramatized in the game. After a boss encounter, his jetpack activates, causing him to fly erratically around the area before crashing into the sail barge and falling into the Sarlacc pit. In the DS version of The Complete Saga, he bounces off the sail barge, hovers over the Sarlacc pit, gets swallowed by an extending beak, and then his helmet is ejected.
- The Emperor's arrival is not shown.
- Yoda's passing is not depicted.
- The Rebel briefing is not present.
- Luke uses a grappling hook, instead of a rope, to rescue Leia from Jabba's sail barge.
- In the movie, Han accompanies Luke and Leia to Endor, stepping on a twig while sneaking up on a scout trooper. In the game, Luke and Leia are the only ones on Endor, and Luke trips, alerting the trooper. They remain together, preventing Leia from meeting the Ewoks individually. Furthermore, Leia and Luke successfully commandeer an AT-AT and destroy an Imperial landing platform, an event absent in the movie.
- A dead animal serves as the trigger for a trap Chewie accidentally triggers in the film. In the game, the trap is activated by pulling a bone attached to a string.
- 3PO recounts the Rebellion's struggle against the Empire to the Ewoks around a campfire in the film. In contrast, in the game, 3PO is seated while using sign-puppets to tell the Ewoks about Vader's fight with Obi-Wan.
- After the Ewoks agree to help, Leia tries to kiss Luke, but he turns her down.
- The Battle of Endor happens before Luke departs for the Death Star, but Luke is not involved in the battle.
- After the shield generator is destroyed, a smaller dish lands on the group (excluding Leia), a humorous nod to the lack of falling debris casualties in the film.
- When Luke enters the Emperor's throne room, Palpatine launches an immediate attack.
- Luke does not engage in combat with Darth Vader in the game. Instead, both father and son team up against the Emperor, presumably to enhance the game's co-op functionality.
- The Emperor wields his lightsaber against Luke and Vader in the game.
- The disabled Super Star Destroyer falls toward the Death Star in the film. In the game, four standard Star Destroyers plummet toward Endor.
- In the game, Anakin's spirit appears on the pyre, feigning warmth.
- Anakin's ghost in the game is a fusion of Hayden Christensen and Sebastian Shaw's likenesses.
- Han and Leia share two kisses before the celebration in the film. In the game, as they lean in to kiss, Wicket interrupts with flowers, prompting Han to pull a plant over them for privacy.
- Leia does not wear her Ewok dress.

The Game Boy Advance version is modified for easier portability, leading to reduced graphics quality. It features 36 playable characters, fewer than the console versions, but includes characters like the Baby Rancor, R2-Q5, and K-3PO, who are absent from the console versions. Also, Vader becomes playable earlier, and the scout trooper and mouse droid are playable without needing the extra toggle mode. The generic Ewok is removed, and Wicket's slingshot is replaced by an Ewok spear.
Power bricks are absent, but extras remain available for purchase. For instance, the Jedi Spirit extra transforms characters into Force ghosts, a feature normally exclusive to the three ghost characters in the 128-bit version.
Episodes IV and V have five levels each, while Episode VI has six. Collecting all ten minikits in a level unlocks a character. The Dagobah level is cut from the Game Boy version. Mos Eisley Spaceport and Through the Jundland Wastes are combined into a single Tatooine level. The console versions' levels "Jedi Destiny" (Emperor Fight) and "Into The Death Star" (Death Star II Battle) are swapped. "Cloud City Trap" (Cloud City Rescue) and "Betayal Over Bespin" (Cloud City Trap) are also switched.
Like the Game Boy Advance version, the Nintendo DS version is adapted for portability, resulting in lower graphics quality. The DS version includes 50 characters, not entirely matching those in the console games. Besides cooperative multiplayer, the DS version supports wireless battles for up to four players, who can compete over Han Solo (Carbonite) in Jabba's Palace or in a Tatooine-themed arena. Character swapping is done by tapping icons on the touch screen.
While praised for its gameplay, the initial DS release was criticized for its bugs and graphical issues. Some websites claimed it was rushed to market alongside the other versions and the re-released Star Wars DVDs. One website allegedly heard from anonymous developers that the US, European, and Japanese versions had different bugs, and a fixed version would be released after the initial run sold out. A notable glitch in Episode VI made the first main boss unbeatable for many. This has not been officially confirmed. However, some players have defeated the boss (Jabba's Rancor) by using Luke Skywalker to bring down the gate, crushing the boss. Other glitches include Dagobah Luke firing blaster bolts from his lightsaber if he attacks right after rolling.
Salacious Crumb, Wuher, K-3PO, Zuckuss, and the Bith band members are exclusive to the DS version.
Some levels have different names. Similar to the GBA version, "Mos Eisley Spaceport" and "Through the Jundland Wastes" are merged into one level, and "Into the Death Star" and "Jedi Destiny" are also renamed.
The Nintendo DS version of Lego Star Wars II replaces LEGO City with the Sand Box. The Sand Box features many destructible objects but lacks enemies (except for a giant Ewok).
It is accessible through a door marked with a question mark in the Mos Eisley Cantina, between the Bounty Hunter Arena and the hangar.
In the story mode, you play as Princess Leia in her slave outfit and Salacious Crumb. The only goal is to build and destroy everything in the level. Completing the level unlocks Emperor Palpatine for purchase at the cantina bar.
The Sand Box includes two Sand Skiffs, the Sarlacc Pit, a giant Ewok, a lever to grow big, another lever to view custom characters, some destructible Imperial vehicles, and a space worm.
Once you finish all story mode levels with Jedi status, you can enter the Sand Box.
The PlayStation Portable version of Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy offers exclusive content, including the final levels from Episodes I, II, and III of the first Lego Star Wars game and a challenge mode for each level in LSW II, tasking players with finding all 10 blue minikits within a time limit. Success unlocks a character from the original Lego Star Wars game. Unlike other versions, players can use characters from the original Lego Star Wars game in the Mos Eisley Cantina. Like the DS version, it features a Wireless Lobby.
The cantina is an empty space with only the player and one other character to ensure smooth performance due to the PSP's firmware limitations at the time. The prequel episodes' levels replace the bounty hunter missions. Gold bricks are not purchasable from the cantina, and loading times are longer.
The game was generally well-received by fans and critics, who praised its gameplay, which emphasized fun and exploration. Many considered it superior to the original due to improved gameplay, new features like character creation and free-form vehicle sections, and other enhancements. However, some found it childish, overly simple, and too easy despite the adaptable difficulty.
On December 13, 2006, the game won "best video game based on a TV show or movie" at the Spike TV Video Game Awards.
On December 22, 2006, named LEGO Star Wars II as Number 1 in Star Wars: The Best of 2006.
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga was revealed on May 25, 2007, and launched on November 6, 2007. It combines the levels from LEGO Star Wars and LEGO Star Wars II. The first game's levels are updated with power bricks, vehicles, and other elements from LEGO Star Wars II, and most prequel characters can now build. New or redesigned levels, playable characters, bounty hunter missions, and bonus missions have been added.