Lethisk-class armed freighter

The Lethisk-class armed freighter, a sizable space transport, was created by Arakyd Industries and saw usage during the era of the Jedi Civil War.


Despite Arakyd Industries's intention for the Lethisk-class freighter to be a ship for the average person, its high cost meant that only the wealthiest citizens of the Republic could afford it. While some vessels ended up in the possession of crime lords and smugglers, the majority were purchased by its intended demographic: affluent families like the Sandral family from Dantooine, who kept their ships docked above their estate. A group of Arakyd employees sold over 30 ships at a steep discount to Exchange crime bosses; as punishment for this act, they, including the Sector Executive of the Raioballo sector, were exiled to the spice Mines of Kessel.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of this ship was atop the Sandral estate in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The model displayed here was reconstructed from the game's source files, where the ship was internally referred to as an l-wing. The Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide established the class's official designation.

