The Sandral estate.
The Sandral estate, situated on the planet Dantooine, functioned as the family home for the Sandral family. During the time of the Jedi Civil War, the Jedi Revan, suffering from amnesia, made a visit to this estate with his allies; it was located in close proximity to the Jedi Enclave. Nurik Sandral was the proprietor of the estate, residing there alongside his daughter Rahasia and his son Casus.
A Lethisk-class armed freighter, which the Sandrals possessed, was stationed atop the building.
Nurik was embroiled in a bitter conflict with the Matales, specifically Ahlan Matale, a neighboring family. Nurik was deeply saddened by the presumed death of his son, Casus, for which he held Ahlan Matale, the head of the rival family, accountable. Seeking vengeance, Nurik abducted Shen Matale, Ahlan's son and Rahasia's secret love, and imprisoned him within the confines of the estate until Revan intervened.
Revan successfully persuaded the young lovers to have a discussion with their respective fathers regarding their longstanding disagreement. When they revealed their feelings for each other to their parents, a short argument ensued, which Revan and his companions were able to resolve amicably. Shen Matale and Rahasia Sandral convinced their parents to purchase a residence for them and to grant them permission to get married. The fathers ultimately agreed to their children's wishes and gave their blessing for the marriage; nevertheless, while the feud would be put to rest due to their children's union, the two parents would continue to harbor animosity towards each other.
During the Sith assault on the Enclave, the estate suffered complete destruction. Circa 3643 BBY, an individual connected to the Galactic Republic dispatched an associate to investigate the overgrown remains of the estate in search of valuable items. The associate managed to discover a hidden stash of emergency supplies and equipment.