Ahlan Matale, a Human character, resided on Dantooine during the tumultuous period of the Jedi Civil War. Originally hailing from the bustling Core Worlds, he relocated to Dantooine with his family, seeking respite from the city's relentless pace. He quickly rose to prominence, becoming one of Dantooine's most prosperous plantation owners, arguably holding the most power on the planet until the arrival of the Sandrals. A fierce rivalry ignited between Ahlan and Nurik Sandral, fostering intense animosity. This hatred warped Ahlan, leading him to become overly protective of his son. When his son vanished, Ahlan immediately suspected Nurik, pushing the two families to the brink of outright conflict, only to be halted by the intervention of the local Jedi Council.
Seeking an escape from the crowded conditions of the core worlds, Ahlan Matale made the decision to relocate his family to the remote, agrarian world of Dantooine. Utilizing his personal wealth, Ahlan acquired an estate and dedicated himself to farming.
However, shortly after his arrival, another family from the core worlds, the Sandrals, also settled on Dantooine. Ahlan harbored a dislike for Nurik, the Sandral family's patriarch, and became convinced that Nurik had followed him to Dantooine with the intention of stealing his fortune. Ahlan instilled this animosity in his son, ensuring that the Sandrals would face the full brunt of the Matale family's hatred.
As time passed, a heated rivalry developed between the Matales and the Sandrals, with disputes arising over land and other matters. The frequent disagreements between Ahlan and Nurik often escalated to the point of threatening open warfare between the two families. On one occasion, Ahlan detected a squadron of Sandral droids on his property. Presuming that the Sandrals were attempting to assassinate him or gather intelligence in preparation for an invasion, Ahlan dispatched his own battalion of droids to eliminate the "intruders". In reality, Nurik was simply searching for his son Casus.
Several weeks later, Ahlan's son, Shen, disappeared. Ahlan immediately concluded that Nurik was responsible. However, he hesitated to launch an immediate attack on the Sandrals, fearing potential harm to Shen as retaliation. Instead, Ahlan sought assistance from the Jedi, who had established a secret enclave on Dantooine. Growing impatient with the Jedi's pace, Ahlan threatened to assault the Sandral estate if they failed to take action.
Ultimately, the Jedi Council of the Dantooine Enclave dispatched an amnesiac Revan to investigate. Ahlan expressed frustration that even the Padawan wasted time he thought would be better spent searching the Sandral estate. Instead, Revan insisted on questioning Ahlan about the families' history with each other. Ahlan attempted to bribe the Jedi Padawan with credits, much to Revan's chagrin, who politely informed Ahlan that Jedi could not be bought with credits. Eventually, Revan departed for the Sandral estate.
Growing weary of waiting for Revan's investigation to conclude, Ahlan, accompanied by two droids, ventured to the Sandral estate to resolve the matter himself. Upon arriving at the front gate, Ahlan discovered Revan with Shen, who had indeed been imprisoned by Nurik, and also with Rahasia Sandral, Nurik's daughter.
While initially relieved to see his son, Ahlan was quickly consumed by rage upon realizing that Shen was in love with Rahasia. This unpleasant reunion was interrupted by Nurik, who, upon discovering Shen's escape, arrived with two droids to confront Ahlan. Nurik accused Ahlan of kidnapping his son Casus, an accusation that Ahlan vehemently denied. Nurik also criticized Rahasia for associating with the "Matale dog," referring to Shen. Outraged by this remark, Ahlan and Nurik nearly engaged in a firefight, but Revan intervened, pleading with them to allow their children to transcend their feud and build a life together. Ahlan initially refused, demanding that Shen return to the estate with him. However, Nurik suggested complying with Revan, acknowledging that their possessiveness had nearly ruined their children's lives.
Ahlan hesitated but eventually yielded to his son's love for Rahasia. He and Nurik then agreed to purchase a house for their children.
While Ahlan's fate during the Sith invasion of Dantooine remains uncertain, considering that some wealthy settlers were rumored to have escaped Dantooine while others were executed, and Ahlan's estate was preserved and repurposed as the post-invasion center of government, Khoonda, it is likely that Ahlan survived.
Ahlan was known for his impatience and impulsiveness. While his suspicion that Nurik had kidnapped Shen proved correct, many considered it an unfounded conclusion. Ahlan also held those of lower economic status in contempt, believing that his wealth made him superior. He also viewed those who were wealthy like him with dislike and suspicion, as he did with the Sandrals. Ahlan was also somewhat paranoid due to his feud with Nurik, and he never left his home without a contingent of droid bodyguards.
Despite his selfish, possessive, and somewhat brutish nature, Ahlan genuinely cared for his only son, Shen, and was deeply concerned for his well-being. However, his rivalry with Nurik Sandral interfered with his relationship with Shen. Due to his fear and distrust of the Sandrals, Ahlan was no longer concerned for Shen's welfare, but obsessed. He limited Shen's ability to leave the estate. Shen chafed under Ahlan's possessiveness, and was driven to rebel against his father, eventually falling in love with the daughter of his father's rival.
Due to his wealth and self-absorption, Ahlan always wore opulent clothing. He also carried a blaster at his side at all times, as a backup in case his droid bodyguards failed to protect him.
If the player chooses the dark side path, they can convince Nurik that Ahlan murdered Casus. The resulting confrontation leads to Nurik fatally shooting Ahlan.
If Revan fails to persuade Ahlan to allow Shen to live his own life, Shen elopes with Rahasia to the Jedi Enclave, abandoning his father. Ahlan angrily vows to not rest until he has Shen back and leaves.
Revan can also manipulate Shen into returning to his father and breaking Rahasia's heart (either by convincing him that his relationship with Rahasia is doomed or by manipulating him into hating Rahasia).