The Sandral family, prominent and affluent settlers of Dantooine during the era of the Jedi Civil War, were engaged in a bitter rivalry with the Matale family.
Following the vanishing of Casus Sandral as he explored the ancient Rakatan ruins found on Dantooine, his father Nurik Sandral jumped to the conclusion that the Matale family was responsible for his son's fate. In retribution, Nurik took Shen Matale captive and held him prisoner. Notwithstanding the ongoing animosity between their families, Nurik's daughter, Rahasia Sandral, had already developed romantic feelings for Shen.
When Revan, accompanied by allies, began looking into the disappearances, they successfully liberated Shen and brought him back together with Rahasia. The two then tried to run away from their parents, but both were apprehended. Revan intervened, guiding the two fathers towards reconciliation, and Nurik and Ahlan were eventually persuaded to purchase a new property for their children, providing the young couple with an opportunity to begin their lives independently.
In the year 3951 BBY, Administrator Terena Adare noted that the Sandral and Matale families had been 'removed' during the time of the Jedi Civil War.
Should Revan not succeed in convincing Nurik and Ahlan to permit their children's marriage, Shen and Rahasia will elope to the Jedi Enclave, leaving their respective families behind. Revan also has the option to persuade Shen to reject Rahasia and return to his father's home.