The Lianna system existed within the Tion Cluster, found in both the Outer Rim Territories and the Slice regions. This system encompassed the celestial body Lianna, the original homeworld of the influential Santhe family, and its location was identified as grid square S-6 on the Standard Galactic Grid.
Via the Perlemian Trade Route, the Lianna system maintained connections to both Columex and Desevro. Furthermore, the Shaltin Tunnels hyperspace route traversed through the Lianna system, thus providing a link to the Perlemian and establishing a connection between the system and Cadinth along with the planet Zygerria.
The initial reference to the Lianna system within the new Star Wars canon appeared in De Agostini's Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, specifically in the twenty-first issue, released around May 27, 2015. Conversely, within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Lianna system was first presented in Mission to Lianna, a 1992 sourcebook created by Joanne E. Wyrick for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, which was published by West End Games.