Lii, sister to Kaa, was a Dark Jedi of the female persuasion. The resemblance she bore to her twin was so striking that they sometimes managed to deceive others into thinking they were a single person. They deployed this ruse against General Grievous of the Confederate faction sometime prior to the Battle of Geonosis, gaining enough of his confidence to be invited aboard his starship. Once aboard, they made off with Grievous' cache of Sith lightsabers and slipped away unnoticed. However, Grievous' ignorance was short-lived, and he pursued them to the acidic world of Dica, where he engaged them in combat. Lii and her sibling found themselves outmatched by the cyborg and were compelled to retreat, leaving behind the stolen weapons.
Lii, a female Dark Jedi of Near-Human descent, was virtually indistinguishable from her twin, Kaa, save for the distinctive horizontal tattoos that graced her face. Her sister sported identical tattoos, but arranged vertically. Both Lii and her sister possessed a strong connection to the Force, and they had undergone training in its application. Ultimately, the two sisters turned renegade, aspiring to become Sith. To realize this ambition, Lii and her twin reasoned that they needed Sith weaponry, leading them to seek out Sith lightsabers.
It was during this endeavor that the sisters encountered General Grievous of the Confederate, who possessed a modest collection of Sith lightsabers previously wielded by Sith Lords. By pretending to be a single individual, Lii and her sister managed to earn Grievous' trust, securing an invitation to his ship. With the cyborg General under the illusion that he was dealing with only one person, the twins easily relieved Grievous of his prized possessions, at least four Sith lightsabers. Although Grievous harbored suspicions about the Dark Jedi, it wasn't until after their departure that he realized he had been robbed.
Lii and her sister made for the acidic world of Dica, but Grievous was in close pursuit. Sensing the cyborg's approach, the twins confronted him, with Lii strategically positioned behind her sister. As Grievous demanded the Dark Jedi reveal her name, the twins unveiled their dual identities to the surprised General. Despite being taken aback by the revelation of facing two Dark Jedi, Grievous remained determined to kill them both and charged at the Dark adepts with his lightsaber.

The battle commenced, with Lii and her sister each brandishing two of the stolen Sith lightsabers. Kaa brought her weapon down upon Grievous, but the cyborg deflected the blow with his metallic hands, securing the blade. Just as her sister appeared doomed, Lii swiftly maneuvered behind Grievous to launch an attack; Grievous, however, managed to parry the strike. Still at a disadvantage, the sisters opted for a coordinated assault. Following Lii's call to her sister, they both leaped away from Grievous' grip on Kaa, acting on Kaa's command.
The leap positioned Lii and her sister in front of Grievous, and they simultaneously swung their weapons at the cyborg's face. Unfortunately for the Dark Jedi, the attack only managed to slightly mar Grievous' mask, causing no lasting harm. Grievous evaded further strikes by using his talon-shaped feet to grapple himself beneath the cliffside where the trio had been dueling. Lii, surprised by the sudden disappearance, stood on the ledge, bewildered, scanning the area in astonishment. Unaware that Grievous was merely concealed beneath them, Lii was caught off guard when the General leaped back onto the battlefield and swung his saber at the two Dark Jedi. Although they managed to parry the deadly attack, the force of the blow sent Lii and her sister's weapons flying from their grasp.
Disarmed by the cyborg's unexpected maneuver, Lii and her sister watched helplessly as their prized weapons tumbled into one of the numerous acidic lakes on Dica. Without their weapons, the twins fled the scene as quickly as possible. As the two Dark Jedi retreated into the mist, Grievous taunted them, mocking their naive aspirations.
Despite the encounter seemingly costing Grievous his collection of Sith weapons, the sisters may not have abandoned their quest for Sith weaponry. Either Lii or Kaa apparently faced the General once more, and he succeeded in slaying one of them. From the fallen twin, the General seized a double-bladed lightsaber that had previously belonged to Darth Zannah. This weapon, along with the Bane's Heart crystal it contained, then became part of the General's arsenal.
Lii possessed a cunning nature, employing deception to persuade Grievous to grant her access to his ship. She and her sister successfully misled Grievous into believing they were a single individual, enabling them to pilfer his lightsaber collection. However, Lii's aptitude for trickery bred a degree of overconfidence, and after Grievous defeated her and her sister, he derided them for their ambition to become Sith. Lii also exhibited naivety, believing that possessing a Sith lightsaber would automatically elevate her power and status to that of a Sith. However, this illusion was shattered when Grievous effortlessly defeated her in combat.
Lii excelled in stealth, managing to steal Grievous' lightsaber collection and escape his ship without detection by Grievous' MagnaGuards. She also demonstrated skill as a combatant, capable of fighting in coordination with her sister, wielding two lightsabers simultaneously. However, even her proficiency with dual blades proved insufficient to overcome Grievous, who defeated her and her sister using only one lightsaber.
Lii was conceived by Yasushi Nirasawa for inclusion in the short comic story, Dark Jedi featured in Star Wars Manga: Silver. Leland Chee, the Keeper of the Holocron continuity database, initially characterized the canon status of these stories as ambiguous, but a subsequent French edition of the stories explicitly labeled them as Infinities, solidifying their status as non-canon narratives. Author Abel G. Peña alluded to this story indirectly in his article, The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War, mentioning that Grievous had acquired one of his lightsaber trophies from a Dark Jedi on either Dica or Necropolis. Whether this refers specifically to either of the sisters remains uncertain, but for the purposes of this article, it is assumed that the Dark Jedi in question is either Lii or Kaa.