Lorka Gedyc

Lorka Gedyc was a combatant of Mandalorian heritage, specifically from Clan Gedyc. This warrior adhered to the radical Mandalorian offshoot called the Death Watch. As the Galactic Empire was established around 19 BBY, Gedyc rose to the position of the group's most recent leader, continuing its clandestine existence while seeking an alliance between Death Watch and the Empire. Gedyc was a Mandalorian.


Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the emergence of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, which is a specific year, Gedyc had ascended to the role of leader within the Death Watch organization. Gedyc held a deep admiration for the Mandalorians of previous eras, those who had conquered numerous star systems and built an empire that spread across vast regions of the galaxy. Gedyc found the weakened state of the Mandalore sector unacceptable after the defeat of Mandalore the Ultimate. In the era, Gedyc considered Mandalorian holdings to be merely a collection of insignificant worlds, and viewed the Mandalorians' reliance on mercenary work and bounty hunting as a desperate struggle for meager gains.

Gedyc perceived this situation as a chance to revive the glory that the Death Watch leader believed the Mandalorians had relinquished. Consequently, Gedyc formed an alliance between Death Watch and the Galactic Empire. Dred Priest and Isabet Reau, who were Death Watch soldiers, aided the Imperials in establishing their garrison on the Mandalorian homeworld of Mandalore. This garrison was located just outside Keldabe, the planetary capital, within the unsuccessful adventure park known as the "City of Bone." Priest held Gedyc and the leader's plans in high regard, sharing Gedyc's view that the Empire presented an opportunity to restore the Mandalorians' former strength.

Behind the scenes

The character of Lorka Gedyc made their debut in Star Wars canon with the publication of Imperial Commando: 501st in 2009. This novel represents the fifth installment in the Republic and Imperial Commando series written by author Karen Traviss.

