Isabet Reau, known as "Issy" by her associate Dred Priest, was a Human female. She was one of the 75 Mandalorian warriors selected by Jango Fett to assist in the training of elite clones on the planet Kamino, forming part of the Cuy'val Dar, which consisted of 100 members.
Isabet Reau viewed her role in imparting Mandalorian culture and combat strategies to the clone troopers as an opportunity to restore her people's influence and reputation across the galaxy. She and her boyfriend, Dred Priest, secretly organized a fight club on Kamino. After clone deaths occurred, Jango Fett intervened, severely injuring Priest to stop it.
The Ba'jurne Kyr'tsad Mando'ad, a manifesto associated with the Death Watch, a splinter faction of Mandalorians, was allegedly written by Tor Vizsla, the leader of the movement. However, Jango Fett, a rival of the Death Watch, questioned its authenticity in his notes, suggesting that either Dred Priest or Isabet Reau were the actual authors. This manifesto was later included in the book The Bounty Hunter Code by Boba Fett, Jango's son and a renowned bounty hunter.

In the year 18 BBY, one year following the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, Priest and Reau were stationed on Mandalore. They were observed assisting the Imperial garrison present there. Their presence soon came to the attention of Kal Skirata and his clan. Mij Gilamar, upon noticing the Death Watch symbol on their armor, was enraged and attacked Priest above the river outside Keldabe, severing his femoral artery. Knowing that Reau would seek Priest, Gilamar disposed of his body in the river, hoping to delay her retaliation.
Reau's armor was a combination of yellow and gray, complemented by a yellow kama.
Isabet Reau was originally created as part of a 14-figure action figure pack exclusive to Entertainment Earth. The figure shares certain components with the Rav Bralor figure but features a newly sculpted head, belt, rocket pack, and kama, along with a completely unique paint scheme. The image displayed is a prototype version. The final figure's colors closely resemble those of Mirta Gev's equipment. This was likely a deliberate choice, given that the colors of the Dred Priest figure (also included in the EE set) closely mirror those of Mirta's spouse, Ghes Orade.