Lorz Geptun

Lorz Geptun, a Balawai Human colonel within the Pelek Baw militia during the Clone Wars, was therefore a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems' army, due to his homeworld of Haruun Kal's allegiance. Subsequently, he enlisted with Republic Intelligence, departing soon after its transformation into Imperial Intelligence. Later on, he became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, which later became known as the New Republic.


The name "Geptun" originated from the Korunnai culture. His paternal grandfather, a Korun, had relocated from the jungle to urban life. Geptun attributed his reluctance to change his name to pride, stemming from his Korunnai heritage; nonetheless, this heritage endowed him with a degree of Force-sensitivity, enabling him to perceive the emotions of others and conceal his own from other Force-sensitives. Geptun mentioned to Mace Windu that he was an expert at dejarik. When Mace Windu arrived on the planet six months after the First Battle of Geonosis, the militia brought the Jedi Master before Geptun, following Windu's capture after being shot while attempting to rescue Phloremirlla Tenk. Geptun interrogated Windu, eventually releasing him upon learning that Windu's objective was to extract the rogue Master Depa Billaba, whose leadership of the Korunnai Upland Liberation Front had been causing issues for Geptun and the militia. Despite this, Geptun apparently chose not to cease the regular gunship patrols that bombarded Korunnai across the jungle. Two of his gunships were destroyed and one damaged as a result of Windu's actions when they launched an attack on the group that he was traveling with.

Shortly thereafter, a rapid succession of violent atrocities triggered a renewed wave of aggression between Geptun's militia and the native population, prompting Billaba and Windu to lead a sizable group of Korunnai towards Lorshan Pass. Geptun, in response, deployed multiple squadrons of droid starfighters to attack the natives after Windu refused to surrender. However, his plans were foiled when Windu cleverly manipulated the droid fighters into engaging in combat with each other. Subsequently, Windu guided the Korunnai rebels into Pelek Baw, the capital city, and launched an assault on Geptun's base. Geptun was compelled to surrender to Windu and deactivate the remaining droid starfighters, effectively ceding control of the planet to the Galactic Republic.

Following the conflict, he enlisted in the Republic Army. Unbeknownst to him, Windu had submitted a request for his transfer to Republic Intelligence.

Geptun remained within Republic Intelligence for a short duration following its transformation into Imperial Intelligence, long enough to uncover some of the truths surrounding the "Jedi Rebellion." He sustained himself as an independent information broker for a period, remaining undetected by the Empire until he recognized the potential benefits of the freedom offered by the Rebel Alliance and offered his services to them. This decision was driven more by a pursuit of financial gain than by any political or altruistic convictions.

The former officer eventually became Inspector Lorz Geptun of the New Republic's Judicial Service. Shortly after the Battle of Mindor, then-General Luke Skywalker, acting on the advice of Nick Rostu, requested Geptun's assistance in investigating whether Skywalker had committed any wrongdoing during the campaign against Lord Shadowspawn.

Instead of compiling an indictment as requested by Skywalker, Geptun devised a script for a holothriller based on the events. By the time he reported back to Luke Skywalker, he had already sold the rights to the holo and two sequels to producers. Although he initially encountered Luke's frustration, Geptun managed to secure his support, and Luke suggested some revisions to the script, advocating for less fabricated action and greater realism.

