
Living on the planet of Haruun Kal, the Balawai, also known as the Downfolk, were a social group composed of an unspecific species. They engaged in conflict with the Korunnai, who were the indigenous inhabitants of the planet, during the Summertime War. While 96% of the Balawai population consisted of humans, the term also encompassed a variety of alien colonists, including Neimoidians, Kubaz, Yuzzem, Wookiees, t'landa Til, Kitonak, Pho Ph'eahian, Yarkora, and Togorians.

The Balawai were essentially off-world settlers in relation to the Korunnai, primarily arriving to gather the valuable spices endemic to Haruun Kal. They maintained total control over the planet's civil administration, financing it predominantly through the trade of thyssel bark. Instead of using weapons crafted by hand, they opted for blasters.

During the period of the Clone Wars, some Balawai chose to align themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This was largely influenced by the fact that, at the war's onset, the Judicial Department had initiated an investigation into potential violations of Korunnai rights by the Balawai government. Following the Battle of Haruun Kal, the Summertime Wars came to an end, and the Galactic Republic brokered a peace agreement between the Korunnai and the Balawai.

The designation Balawai, translating to downfolk, was a term created and used exclusively by the Korunnai. The immigrants residing on Haruun Kal identified themselves solely by their respective species. Addressing a member of the Balawai as such would be considered a severe affront.

