Love Commander

The Love Commander, a Luxury 2400 yacht, was won by Lando Calrissian from its initial proprietor in a game of sabacc. This vessel featured a sky-blue and green color scheme on its exterior and boasted significantly enhanced sublight engines, granting it remarkable speed in realspace, despite its average hyperspace travel abilities. The ship's interior was exquisitely furnished, showcasing a recreation of a well-known waterfall from Naboo; furthermore, it was equipped with concealed weaponry, including a laser turret, a missile launcher, and a shield generator. A notable vulnerability in the ship's defenses, however, was the considerable time required for its systems to become fully operational.

Following Jacen Solo's assault on the Millennium Falcon, which inflicted substantial damage, Lando provided Han and Leia Solo with the Love Commander, accompanying them as the vessel's captain. Given that the ship remained registered under its original owner's name, it presented a less conspicuous option for their travels compared to their own ship or any other belonging to Lando. Calrissian frequently referred to the vessel as Looooove Commander during communications, partly to reinforce the authenticity of his Bescat Offdurmin identity. The ship successfully bypassed the blockade surrounding Corellia and managed to evade a TIE Crawler. During their escape from the planet, the ship contributed to the destruction of a CR90 corvette that attempted to intercept them.

After Jacen Solo launched an attack upon Kashyyyk, Lando and the Love Commander assisted in combating the fires initiated by _Anakin Solo'_s long-range turbolasers. Upon learning of his wife's pregnancy, Lando entrusted the Love Commander to Han and Leia Solo, intending it for firefighting duties and other purposes as they saw fit.

Leia, along with Jagged Fel, Zekk, Han, and Jaina Solo acting clandestinely, utilized the ship to infiltrate Jacen's flagship. The "Alema-hunters" and Han remained concealed within the Love Commander's smuggling compartments until they could discreetly disembark and accomplish their mission of gathering intelligence aboard Jacen's personal shuttle, subsequently making their escape.

