
Lu'daal-ud, hailing from the planet of Gand, was a Gand findsman. He was related to Zuckuss, another findsman, as his second cousin. Similar to Zuckuss, Lu'daal-ud belonged to the breather subspecies. He was an inheritor of a long-standing tradition of Gand findsmen that spanned centuries. These findsmen were guided by visions and premonitions sent by the calling of the mists. Ultimately, these visions propelled him away from his home planet and into the wider galaxy.


After departing from his home planet, details of Lu'daal-ud's history remain scarce. It is known that he worked for a years prior to the Battle of Yavin for a loan shark named Ne'lear. It is believed he was employed by several other groups before being blacklisted. After his time with Ne'lear, Lu'daal-ud joined the Granse Confederacy. From that point forward, he exhibited no inclination to return to the criminal world. It was possibly during this time that he acquired the Mist Laden, a modified Sigma-class shuttle that he confiscated from its owner after their capture for violating Imperial laws in the Imberlin system. Subsequently, the craft underwent modifications by Lu'daal-ud's associates and proved itself as a dependable starship for him and his allies within the Granse Confederacy.

While in the service of the Confederacy, Lu'daal-ud pursued a bounty on Patel Odfath, an operative of the Alliance to Restore the Republic who possessed vital datafiles. Consequently, Commander Zgorth'sth, a Rebel agent himself, issued an order for Lu'daal-ud's capture. The files were believed to contain information compromising the identities of nearly a thousand Rebel operatives in the Shiwal and Cademimu sectors, including, at minimum, the Walin'or cell and the Tierfon Rebel Outpost.

The Alliance believed that Lu'daal-ud wouldn't simply give the files to the Empire. However, they feared that if he deciphered the files and understood their importance, he would attempt to sell them. As a member of the Granse Confederacy, apprehending him would be challenging. Nevertheless, Commander Zgorth'sth still contemplated assembling a team of independent agents to recover the files.

Due to the imminent threat he posed to the Alliance, Lu'daal-ud, along with other members of the Granse Confederacy, was added to the Alliance's SecuriDex. An addendum also noted that if any agents or operatives felt capable of capturing him, they should contact their task force at Alliance Security to discuss their proposal.

At some point, a group was commissioned by a former member of the Granse Confederacy to seize Lu'daal-ud's starship, the Mist Laden. This perilous task, involving stealing the ship from right under the hunter's noses, offered a substantial reward of 15,000 credits. Separately, another group took on Zgorth'sth's mission and attempted to capture Lu'daal-ud and the files he carried. The outcome of both endeavors remains unknown.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)

Notes and references
