
During the Galactic Civil War, a male Mon Calamari named Zgorth'sth served the Alliance to Restore the Republic as an operative within Alliance Intelligence. He advanced from a field agent to leading the Intentions branch, answering directly to Chief of Intelligence General Vernan. Zgorth'sth's analytical abilities proved crucial in the Alliance Fleet's victory against the Imperial Oplovis Sector Fleet in the Mantooine system. His review of supply requests suggested the Imperial fleet's intention to eliminate Alliance army forces on the planet Mantooine. Later, Zgorth'sth joined the Task Force on Alliance Security, tasked with identifying Alliance threats. He edited reports from Task Force members and contributed his own, including one on the Gand Lu'daal-ud, who had obtained encrypted Alliance Intelligence datafiles. Zgorth'sth remained an intelligence agent as the Alliance became the New Republic, working with the Department of Threat Assessment, the Task Force's successor. The Department continued monitoring potential threats, and a report by Zgorth'sth was distributed among high-ranking admirals, senators, and generals.


Born on the planet Mon Calamari within the Calamari sector of the Outer Rim Territories, Zgorth'sth was a male of the Mon Calamari species. He enlisted with the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, functioning as a field agent for Alliance Intelligence across the Outer Rim. Around 0 ABY, Zgorth'sth achieved a promotion, becoming the Senior Officer of the Intentions branch within Alliance Intelligence. As a commander, he reported to General Vernan, the Chief of Alliance Intelligence, and oversaw a staff of fifteen. Zgorth'sth's primary duty was to assess reports flagged by his team as potentially significant, deciding whether to allocate Alliance resources for further investigation.

Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Zgorth'sth reviewed reports when one from Captain Ioth of Analysis, Naval Supply, caught his eye. Ioth's report highlighted a 4.1 percent increase in supply requisitions for the Imperial Oplovis Sector Fleet. Zgorth'sth recalled a report from eight months prior, detailing the Oplovis Fleet's defeat by an Alliance Fleet battle line. The Oplovis Fleet's admiral was subsequently "retired" by Lord Darth Vader two months later. Analyzing the data, Zgorth'sth estimated a two-month period for the new admiral to assume command and an additional four months for personnel and structural adjustments. He theorized that Imperial Naval Command had grown impatient, ordering the fleet into action and prompting the new commander to request extra supplies. Despite the limited evidence, Zgorth'sth deemed it sufficient to file a report and assign assets to monitor the Oplovis Fleet. Consequently, Alliance probe droid D-127X was tasked with observing the fleet near its base by Harrod's Planet.

Approximately five weeks after deployment, D-127X reported the Oplovis Fleet's movement. Zgorth'sth informed General Vernan, who instructed him to notify Fleet Intelligence. Vernan believed the Imperial fleet was en route to Mantooine in the Atrivis sector, intending to eliminate Army elements of the Atrivis Sector Force. Based on travel times, Vernan reasoned that if Admiral Gial Ackbar, commanding the Alliance Fleet, could position ships at Mantooine first, he could surprise the Oplovis Fleet upon their exit from hyperspace. Zgorth'sth relayed the intelligence to Fleet, and three days later, an Alliance cruiser battle line of three ships achieved victory over the Oplovis Fleet with minimal losses.

By 2 ABY, Zgorth'sth was assigned to the Task Force on Alliance Security—a 342-member unit compiling data on major threats to the Rebel Alliance—while concurrently leading the Intentions branch. Zgorth'sth personally edited much of the Task Force's collected material. He submitted a SecuriDex file on Lu'daal-ud, a Gand Findsman associated with the bounty hunter organization known as the Granse Confederacy. Lu'daal-ud had previously claimed the bounty on Alliance agent Patel Odfath, who was carrying important datafiles at the time. Zgorth'sth suspected Lu'daal-ud had retained the files. Despite their encryption, the Mon Calamari feared the compromise of key Intelligence operations if the Gand sold them to the Empire. Despite the difficulty of getting to Lu'daal-ud, Zgorth'sth seriously considered sending an independent team after him to retrieve the data, and was willing to consider petitions from suitable candidates. Upon learning of the Hydrospeare Corporation's—an Imperial-aligned manufacturer of military equipment for aquatic environments—development of new war machines, Zgorth'sth suspected an impending Imperial assault on his homeworld. However, he believed the bureaucratic hurdles involved would delay the project significantly, hoping the Galactic Civil War would conclude before the weapons could be deployed against Dac.

Zgorth'sth continued his service to the Alliance and its successor, the New Republic, throughout the Galactic Civil War. After 10 ABY, Zgorth'sth had been promoted to captain and was assigned to the newly-formed Department of Threat Assessment, which had replaced the Alliance Task Force on Security. He authored a report on several possible threats to the New Republic, including the Ailon Nova Guard, Churhee's Riflemen, the First Sun Mobile Regiment, the Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Unit, the Laramus Base Irregulars, the Mantis Syndicate, the Mercenary Guild of Coyn, the Natori Association, the Ragnar Syndicate, the Scimitar assault wing, and the m'Yalfor'ac Order. The document offered analysis on the organizations in question, and recommendations for future dealings with them. The report was circulated to Admirals Ackbar and Hiram Drayson; Generals Carlist Rieekan, Airen Cracken, Crix Madine, and Wedge Antilles; and Senator Garm Bel Iblis. The report was also sent to three retired officers, General Jan Dodonna, Admiral Adar Tallon, and Marshal Pashna Starkiller.

Personality and traits

Zgorth'sth demonstrated competence as an intelligence agent, showing equal skill in field operations and data analysis. He appreciated field work, enjoying the "cloak and dagger" aspects of the profession. As a Mon Calamari, he understood his higher visibility in Imperial territories compared to other agents, but he also knew that certain Outer Rim planets offered anonymity. Zgorth'sth excelled at data analysis, intuitively connecting seemingly disparate data points to understand Imperial movements, although he found it less stimulating than field work.

His superior, General Vernan, considered Zgorth'sth overly cheerful. He possessed a sense of humor and a hearty laugh. The two engaged in friendly banter, including lighthearted insults, and Vernan nicknamed Zgorth'sth "Ziggy." An efficient officer, he meticulously crafted reports to ensure clarity and precision in his findings and intentions. Vernan regarded him as a capable officer and considered reassigning him to field duties. Zgorth'sth enjoyed drinking gav while working.

Behind the scenes

Zgorth'sth first appeared in the initial edition of The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, published by West End Games in 1990.

While the image of a Mon Calamari in the Rebel Alliance Sourcebook wasn't explicitly identified as Zgorth'sth, its placement within the character's narrative suggests a connection. The later confirmation of Zgorth'sth's species in Alliance Intelligence Reports reinforces this assumption. This article operates under the assumption that the depicted Mon Calamari is intended to represent Zgorth'sth.


Notes and references
