Harrod's Planet

Harrod's Planet, a world found in the Outer Rim Territories, existed within the Oplovis sector. The Galactic Empire maintained the Oplovis Sector Fleet's base on this planet during the Galactic Civil War. Following their defeat at the hands of the Rebel Alliance in the Yuvern system, the Sector Fleet strategically regrouped at Harrod's Planet. Furthermore, Cane Adiss, a smuggler whose starship was undergoing inspection by Imperial officers when the attack occurred (time), was compelled to join the fleet at that location.

Two months subsequently, the admiral commanding the Oplovis Sector Fleet was superseded by Admiral Gaen Drommel. For the next six months, the fleet remained stationed in proximity to the Harrod's Planet base. An Alliance probe droid, tasked with monitoring Imperial transmissions, intercepted and documented, among other signals, coded bursts transmitted from the fleet's flagship to the base situated on Harrod's Planet.


Within the Harrod's Planet system, which itself is a component of the Oplovis sector in the New Territories region of the Outer Rim Territories, lay Harrod's Planet, a terrestrial world. It was positioned along the Braxant Run hyperlane, thereby connecting it to the adjacent Ketaris system and the Mirgoshir system of the Lahara sector. As the only habitable planet orbiting its star, named Harrod, Harrod's Planet held a unique position.


Base of the Oplovis Sector Fleet

The smuggler Cane Adiss was forced to transport Imperial officers to Harrod's Planet.

During the Galactic Civil War, Harrod's Planet hosted the base for the Galactic Empire's Oplovis Sector Fleet on its surface. At one juncture, the entire Sector Fleet found itself stationed in the Yuvern system, where a Rebel Alliance battle line unexpectedly attacked them. After suffering a defeat, the Imperial fleet retreated to Harrod's Planet. This Rebel assault also disrupted an Imperial inspection of the starship belonging to Cane Adiss, a Yuvernian smuggler. The officer present on the vessel instructed Adiss to rendezvous with the Imperial fleet at their base. The Yuvernian then returned the inspectors to Harrod's Planet without any further complications. Adiss also committed to monitoring for Rebel activity before departing from the system.

Two months following the engagement in the Yuvern system, Darth Vader, a Dark Lord of the Sith and one of Galactic Emperor Palpatine's most trusted adherents, visited the Oplovis Sector Fleet. Vader executed the admiral in charge of the fleet and appointed Gaen Drommel as the new admiral, who commanded from the Executor-class Star Dreadnought named Guardian. For the subsequent six months, the Oplovis fleet remained within range of their base on Harrod's Planet, refraining from any significant military actions. Alliance Intelligence Commander Zgorth'sth later speculated about the fleet's inactivity during that time, suggesting that the new admiral dedicated the initial two months to processing paperwork and formally assuming control of the fleet, followed by four months of maneuvers aimed at evaluating both the personnel and the newly established command structure.

Preparing for action

Harrod's Planet served as the base of the Oplovis Sector Fleet, commanded by Admiral Gaen Drommel.

By 2 ABY, the Oplovis Sector Fleet had increased its supply requests from the Imperial Navy by 4.1 percent. Upon learning this, Zgorth'sth posited that Naval Command had pressured Admiral Drommel into action, leading the officer to request additional supplies in preparation for an impending offensive. As a consequence, Zgorth'sth arranged for Alliance assets to monitor the Oplovis fleet.

Eventually, the Alliance probe droid D-127X was stationed on the periphery of the Oplovis sector, where it monitored the transmissions of the Sector Fleet. Among the signals recorded by the droid were densely coded bursts transmitted from the fleet's flagship down to the base on Harrod's Planet's surface. Four weeks into its mission, D-127X was discovered by an Imperial deep picket vessel belonging to the Oplovis Sector Fleet and subsequently self-destructed. When General Vernan of the Rebel Alliance was informed of the situation, he speculated that the Oplovis fleet was mobilizing for an attack on the Alliance army stationed on Mantooine in the Atrivis sector. Vernan predicted that, adhering to standard protocols, the Imperial fleet would depart from its station at Harrod's Planet and head towards the Atrivis sector the following day. Acting on the general's suggestion, an Alliance battle line, under the command of Admiral Gial Ackbar, journeyed to the Atrivis system, where they proceeded to attack and defeat the Oplovis Sector Fleet as it emerged from hyperspace.

A decade later, sometime between 12 ABY and 13 ABY, Harrod's Planet was situated within the territory of the Imperial Remnant, the successor state to the Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

"Harrod's planet" made its debut in The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, penned by Paul Murphy and released in 1990 for use in West End Games's Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the 1994 second edition of the book, the planet was consistently referred to as "Harrod's Planet," a convention that subsequent sources maintained. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, situated the Harrod's Planet system, and consequently Harrod's Planet itself, within grid square M-5.


  • The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook (First mentioned)
  • The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, Second Edition
  • "Behind the Scenes - Cane Adiss" — jSarek's Infonet — John Hazlett's StarWars.com Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (Mentioned in multiple entries, but without own entry)
  • Adiss, Cane in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Notes and references
