Yuvern system

Situated within the Oplovis sector of the Outer Rim Territories', the Yuvern system was the location of the planet Yuvern. This planet served as the homeworld for the Yuvernian species, beings characterized by their two heads and snakelike appearance. The Quor'sav merchant Kal'Falnl C'ndros once visited the Yuvern system, and from there, he took the Yuvernian [Cane Adiss](/article/cane_adiss/legends]. C'ndros trained Adiss to be a pilot. Adiss eventually became a smuggler working for the crime lord Jabba, who then dispatched him to Yuvern with a shipment of illicit spice.

However, upon his arrival, Adiss encountered the Galactic Empire's entire Oplovis Sector Fleet. Consequently, he was compelled to permit Imperial inspectors to board his starship. At that moment, a Rebel Alliance force unexpectedly attacked the Imperial fleet, forcing them to retreat to Harrod's Planet. Adiss received orders to transport the Imperials on his ship so that they could rejoin their fleet. Following this, the smuggler proceeded to Yuvern and completed his assignment for Jabba.


The system known as Yuvern was situated in the Oplovis sector, which itself was a part of the New Territories region within the Outer Rim Territories. A planet sharing the same name was located within this system.


The Yuvernian Cane Adiss hailed from the Yuvern system and was present during a battle there.

The Quor'sav trader by the name of Kal'Falnl C'ndros once made a visit to the planet Yuvern. Cane Adiss, a Yuvernian longing to leave his homeworld, was taken offworld by C'ndros, who then instructed him in the art of being a pilot. Adiss eventually found employment as a smuggler of spice for the Hutt crime lord known as Jabba.

Around 2 ABY, the Yuvernian received his first assignment, which involved returning to his home planet. Upon entering the Yuvern system, Adiss discovered that the Galactic Empire's Oplovis Sector Fleet was also present. His starship was boarded by Imperial inspectors under duress. However, before the illegal cargo could be discovered, a Rebel Alliance battle line unexpectedly attacked the Imperial fleet. The Imperial officer aboard Adiss's ship then instructed the Yuvernian to transport him to Harrod's Planet to regroup with the rest of the retreating fleet. After complying with these orders, Adiss went back to Yuvern and fulfilled his assignment for Jabba.

Eight months later, the Oplovis Sector Fleet increased its supply requests from the Imperial Navy by 4.1 percent. Upon learning this, Alliance Intelligence Commander Zgorth'sth acted on a feeling and reviewed operational records he had briefly examined nine weeks before. While reviewing the records, Zgorth'sth remembered the engagement between the Oplovis Sector Fleet and the Alliance battle line, but he had to look up the location of the battle. Zgorth'sth's analysis of the Oplovis fleet's activities since the engagement in the Yuvern system eventually led him to arrange for Alliance assets to monitor the fleet.


The planet within the Yuvern system, also called Yuvern, was the place of origin for the Yuvernians, a sentient species of aliens that are long, two-headed, and snakelike. The Yuvernians were already known throughout the galaxy as early as 6900 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The Yuvern system was initially mentioned in The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, a 1990 supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games, authored by Paul Murphy. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the system in grid square M-5.


  • The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook (First mentioned)
  • The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, Second Edition
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. II ("Oplovis sector")
  • The Essential Atlas
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  • Adiss, Cane in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
