Imberlin system

The Imberlin system existed within the Imberlin sector, which was situated in the Slice region of the larger Expansion Region. By the year 2 ABY, an unaffiliated trader found themselves in conflict with Imperial law enforcement operating in that system. As a result, the Gand findsman named Lu'daal-ud apprehended the trader, and during this event, he took possession of the merchant's shuttle, known as the Mist Laden.

Behind the scenes

The Imberlin system initially appeared within Alliance Intelligence Reports, a sourcebook released in 1995 for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. The Online Companion for the 2009 reference work The Essential Atlas specified its location as grid square P-14.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (Initial mention)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link)

Notes and references
