The Imberlin sector existed as a component of the Expansion Region. Within its boundaries were the Imberlin, Silorna, and Zaraksander systems. Furthermore, the Gamor Run hyperlane traversed this sector. Throughout history, the military forces of the Trade Federation, along with the armies of extragalactic invaders such as the Nagai, Tof, and Yuuzhan Vong species, all utilized the section of the Gamor Run that cut through the Imberlin sector.
This sector, called the Imberlin sector, was situated within the Slice region of the Expansion Region. Around 0 ABY, the Imberlin sector shared borders with the Hilo and Sepan sectors towards the Coreward direction, the Dimean sector towards spinward, and the Charra sector in the trailing direction. In the Rimward direction, the Imberlin sector also met the Mid Rim's Fei Hu and Sloo sectors at a tri-point. The Imberlin, Silorna, and Zaraksander systems were all contained within the Imberlin sector. The hyperlane known as the Gamor Run passed through the sector, linking the Charra system in the Charra sector to the Aikhibba system in the Fei Hu sector.

In 32 BBY, as the Trade Federation prepared to blockade the planet of Naboo, they moved their armed forces along the Imberlin sector's portion of the Gamor Run, heading towards their distribution center on Enarc, a world in the Mid Rim. In 4 ABY, while advancing spinward as part of their separate invasions of the galaxy, the extragalactic Nagai and Tof species also used this section of the Gamor Run. Between 25 ABY and 26 ABY, following their conquest of the Daalang system during their invasion of the galaxy, the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong progressed through the Imberlin sector via the Gamor Run before launching assaults on the Osarian and Tynnani systems.
The system of Silorna was where the Silorna Force Crystal type of crystal originated. By 2 ABY, an independent trader encountered problems with Imperial authorities within the Imberlin system. Subsequently, the Gand findsman Lu'daal-ud apprehended the trader.
The Zaraksander system held the terrestrial astronomical object also called Zaraksander. During the Galactic Civil War, Eloinie Petro-Munitions had its base of operations on Zaraksander. The bounty hunter Valken Gresh made two separate visits to the Fioer desert on this celestial body, later recounting these experiences in his work, Great Hunts I've Lived To Tell About.
The Imberlin sector was first mentioned in the Online Companion for the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. In 2012, Modi created a map illustrating the Imberlin sector, which was featured in the Online Companion's article "Essential Atlas Extra: Expansion Region."
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