Lucky Star (Mos Entha)

The Lucky Star, a casino situated in Mos Entha on Tatooine, was under the ownership and direct control of Shiri'ani. Shiri'ani herself was a skilled apprentice of Lady Valarian, the notorious Whiphid crime lord reigning over Mos Eisley.

Much like the Lucky Despot, the Lucky Star was a refurbished cargo freighter. This freighter had been transformed into a combined club and casino. Throughout the era of the New Republic, it gained popularity as a tourist attraction, offering visitors a secure environment to experience the local culture and underworld scene.

Shiri'ani's staff would blend into the casino's patrons, pretending to be dangerous "regulars". Security was tight, but actual shootings and even a murder in the back rooms were not unheard of. It seems these incidents were a calculated method of preserving the casino's infamous reputation.

Shiri'ani would observe the casino floor from a hidden vantage point; a one-way mirror behind the bar.

Being a branch of Valarian's criminal organization, Shiri'ani was exempt from paying taxes to the New Republic. This was due to her mentor's pre-established "agreements" with the galactic government.

Behind the scenes

Within the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, the Lucky Star was known by a different name: the Fallen Star.

