
Ma'Shraid held the position of second intendant within the Yuuzhan Vong hierarchy, and also served as the prefect in command of the second worldship that journeyed into the galaxy. The extra-galactic troops under her leadership provided reinforcement for the forces led by Prefect Da'Gara of the Praetorite Vong. These troops participated in the attack against Dubrillion, but ultimately suffered defeat at the hands of Lando Calrissian and his companions. Furthermore, her forces played a role in defending Helska. Ma'Shraid met her demise when the Jedi employed shieldships to redirect the energy waves emitted by the yammosk positioned on Helska IV. This redirection caused the planet to undergo a process of melting, followed by freezing, and eventual shattering, resulting in the death of all inhabitants, including Ma'Shraid.

