
Maga was a medicine-man, otherwise known as a garoo, belonging to a Dantari tribe situated on Dantooine. In the year following the Battle of Yavin, specifically One year after, Mammon Hoole, Zak, and Tash Arranda looked to Maga's tribe for sanctuary from the pursuing forces of the Galactic Empire. The Dantari were greatly astonished by Tash Arranda's capabilities with the Force, which sparked intense feelings of envy within Maga. Hoping to eliminate Tash, Maga guided the young girl towards "The Place of Fallen Rocks," which were the remains of a long-forgotten Jedi settlement on Dantooine, rumored to be cursed in ancient garoo legends.

The army of Dantooinian clones eventually took Maga's tribe captive, including several clones that were copies of Tash Arranda. Maga became certain that the offworlder had betrayed his people, leading to their capture. However, Tash managed to liberate Maga and his tribe due to the surprising assistance of Darth Vader.

