Magnetic pulses represented a specific form of emanation originating from certain stellar bodies, specifically stars. The ridadi, which are a species of star-locust, used these magnetic pulses for navigation purposes, particularly those emitted by a star residing within a system situated close to the planet known as Shuraden. The launch of the space station called Starlight Beacon in 232 BBY resulted in the transmission of a signal that matched the frequency of the pulses utilized by the ridadi, which disoriented the massive insects and consequently endangered a Ximpi city located on Shuraden. While undergoing her Jedi Trials, Jedi Padawan Keeve Trennis identified this issue, aided by data acquired by Jedi Master Estala Maru. Upon learning of the situation, Maru adjusted the Beacon's frequency, while Trennis created a Jedi Vector to mimic the signal and ventured into space, successfully diverting the ridadi away from Shuraden.