
Mahreen, hailing from the aquatic planet of Dac, was a diplomat serving the Galactic Republic during the era of the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War that pitted the Republic against the Sith Empire. This advocate, Mahreen, dedicated a number of years to persuading a group representing the Order of Shasa, the protectors and Force-users responsible for safeguarding the world of Manaan, to engage in discussions with her. Following the Empire's destructive bombardment during the Great Galactic War, the Selkath inhabitants of Manaan had withdrawn and isolated themselves within its ocean depths. Eventually, as time went on, Mahreen, alongside growing insistence from the Republic, successfully influenced the Order to transform one of their few remaining buildings above water into the Mercantile Plaza, a trading hub that allowed individuals from other worlds to enter.

Contextual Information

Mahreen's name appeared within the Codex entry associated with the Mercantile Plaza. This entry was introduced to the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel through Game Update 2.9, released on August 19, 2014.

