
Malari, situated in the Churnis sector of the Mid Rim, was a planet. This world served as the home planet of the Malarians. Malari held membership in the Galactic Republic and was also a signatory of the Malarian Alliance treaty, which linked it to Ansion. During 22 BBY, the Confederacy of the Independent Systems attempted to instigate the Malarian Alliance's secession from the Republic. However, a Jedi mission to Ansion thwarted these Separatist designs, ensuring the planet's and the alliance's continued allegiance to the Republic.


Within the Malari system, which itself resided within the Churnis sector of the Mid Rim, one could find the planet known as Malari.


The Malarian Alliance linked Malari to Ansion (pictured).

By the time 22 BBY arrived, Malari had forged both commercial and military ties with the Mid Rim planet Ansion through the Malarian Alliance. This treaty had been established sometime around 33 BBY. By the former year, Malari was also a part of the Galactic Republic. The Malarian Alliance placed Malari within a network of interconnected relationships with three distinct star systems: the Mamendin system located in the Core Worlds, alongside the Ansion and Dbari systems of the Mid Rim. Furthermore, Malari, its allied star systems, and the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty—which also maintained affiliations with both the Malari system and Ansion—all possessed their own treaty arrangements with other worlds. This resulted in the seemingly insignificant Ansion finding itself at the heart of a web encompassing approximately forty politically interconnected systems. During the Separatist Crisis that unfolded, individual signatory systems belonging to both the Malarian Alliance and the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty were contemplating a departure from the Republic.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems harbored the intention of facilitating Ansion's secession from the Republic. The Separatists anticipated that this action would trigger a chain reaction, leading all systems linked to the planet through its treaties to secede as well. However, a mission to Ansion carried out by members of the Jedi Order on behalf of the Republic at that time ensured that Ansion and its partners remained loyal to the galactic government, thereby thwarting the Separatist scheme. Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the newly appointed Imperial Moff of the Churnis sector declared all existing treaties and alliances involving Ansion to be invalid.


The Malarians originated on the planet Malari.

Behind the scenes

Malari received its initial, albeit indirect, mention in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia published in 2008. In 2009, the reference book The Essential Atlas pinpointed the Malari system, and consequently the planet itself, within grid square I-6. Jason Fry, who co-authored The Essential Atlas, has indicated that the star systems detailed in the book's Appendix section derive their names from the most prominent planets or celestial bodies situated within those systems. Therefore, this article assumes that the Malarians' home world is named in accordance with the Malari system.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. II ("Malarian Alliance") (First mentioned) (Indirect mention only)

Notes and references
