Malorm family

The Malorm family, a quintet of Humans, gained infamy as a band of homicidal maniacs. This family consisted of three men—Shalla, Rek, and Jez—along with two women—Sheyna and Star. While the full scope of their wicked deeds is not entirely known, they successfully raided a luxury spaceliner and almost assassinated a high-ranking government official. Their criminal careers met their end at the hands of a group of mercenaries on Matra VI.


One of the more notable offenses committed by the Malorm family was their assault on the luxury spaceliner known as the Galaxy Wanderer. After seizing control of the Galaxy Wanderer within the Corporate Sector, they plundered its valuable contents and spaced thirty passengers, all while fending off the forces of the Corporate Sector Authority's Security Police. The disastrous event concluded with the Malorms managing to escape both the eventual destruction of the Galaxy Wanderer and the grasp of law enforcement.

The Malorm family's downfall commenced with the appointment of Odumin as a Territorial Administrator for the Corporate Sector Authority. Odumin's stringent approach to addressing criminal activities within the Corporate Sector provoked their animosity, leading them to target him for death. They came dangerously close to eliminating Odumin when they caught him spying on their activities. However, due to the fact that the Malorms, like the general populace, were unfamiliar with Odumin's appearance, the cunning Tynnan misled them into thinking that he was merely someone's pet.

Following his return to a more secure environment, Odumin assembled a team of mercenaries with the intention of eliminating the Malorms. He designated a skilled gunman named Gallandro as the team's leader, promising them a substantial sum of money, in addition to a blanket amnesty applicable in both the Corporate Sector and the Galactic Empire, as compensation for successfully completing their mission. Gallandro and his mercenary team, disguised as a Counterterrorist Security Team from the Corporate Sector Authority, lured the Malorms into a carefully planned ambush on Matra VI, where they were killed.

Gallandro's triumph would ultimately lead to unforeseen consequences, as Odumin was not the only entity seeking the Malorm family's demise. Sometime following their deaths, Gallandro was confronted by a Malkite Poisoner affiliated with the Assassin's Guild. This woman informed Gallandro that his act of killing the Malorms had prevented her from fulfilling her contract to assassinate them, and that he would face the repercussions for his actions. Gallandro responded by killing her, an action that ignited a decade-long conflict between him and the Assassin's Guild.

