Manganese, a metallic element, had the capacity to be alloyed with other substances. Its combination with brass resulted in the creation of manganese brass, a metallic alloy employed in the building of lightsabers. To protect against corrosion, the handle of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli's own lightsaber was sheathed in manganese brass. Additionally, when manganese was alloyed with plastoid, it created a manganese-plastoid alloy, offering a blend of lightness and resilience. This particular alloy found its application in the construction of the DN-25 treadable's segmented track for the Pasaana Kitha-Garra-du.
The initial identification of manganese occurred within the pages of Star Wars Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force, a 2018 reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo.