Maris Brood's Master

A male Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order held the title of Master to the Zabrak apprentice Maris Brood, mentoring her within the confines of the vessel named Gray Pilgrim. Positioned within the Outer Rim Territories near the conclusion of the Clone Wars during 19 BBY, neither he nor Brood succumbed to the effects of Order 66, an event that led to the demise of numerous Jedi. Sensing the loss of many fellow Jedi through the Force, the Master piloted a fighter craft to investigate the unfolding events, from which he never returned.


Maris Brood, the Jedi's Padawan

A male Jedi Knight gave his service to the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as the Republic neared its end. This Jedi was the instructor to Maris Brood, a Zabrak Padawan, and he trained her on the starship Gray Pilgrim. During 19 BBY, as the Clone Wars drew to a close with the Republic's clone trooper army battling the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Jedi and Brood were stationed in the Outer Rim Territories. As a result, they avoided Order 66, which commanded the Republic's clone troopers to eliminate their Jedi Generals. However, Brood's Master perceived disturbances in the Force as other Jedi died. After his attempts to contact the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the galactic capital, went unanswered, the Jedi embarked in his personal starfighter to investigate. He learned that the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader had nearly destroyed the Jedi Order and shared this with Brood. He was never seen or heard from again. Brood, seeking vengeance, began searching for Vader, but Jedi Master Shaak Ti soon found her. Ti took the young Zabrak as her apprentice and brought her to the planet Felucia, where they found sanctuary with the native Jungle Felucian species.

Powers and abilities

Maris Brood's Master was a Jedi warrior, suggesting his strength was in combat. He also had a strong connection to the Force, allowing him to sense the deaths of his fellow Jedi. He was a skilled pilot with his own starfighter.

Behind the scenes

Maris Brood's Master was initially mentioned in her databank entry in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game, released on September 16, 2008. This entry was repeated verbatim in the game's Prima Guide, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, and in Maris Brood's entry on the now-defunct Databank on

Early drafts of Brood's backstory depicted her Master as an unconventional Jedi who patrolled the galaxy's edges, using his abilities to aid those in need, often in ways that contradicted Jedi principles. During Order 66, he was overwhelmed by the feeling of so many Jedi deaths and left to find answers. His disappearance left Brood without guidance, leading her to become a pirate leader. These ideas were replaced by Brood's current backstory.

